So cold I stand when they told me to forget
They told me to let it go, for I will never get
That what my heart yearns, that which my soul seeks
And yet, if only I could kiss for moment your cheeks
To find the answer that was denied to me. Why was I wrong?

Once I though my golden dreams would come true
Once I though that my love for you was so pure
Now I find my broken soul shattered and lick
And my bleeding heart so crushed and so sick
As I see in the mirror of my forbidden sins, I am not that strong

Now I know that love is not enough, that I was not meant
To know the joy of your lips, to be your heart’s tenant
Now I know, it’s false, that beauty is not found within
And that my warmth is cold, and my soul so weak and thin
I am just another fool that fell in love of you, another one of the throng

I found this life so unbearable, so dark is my sight
I wish I could lost myself in the depths of the night
No more, shall the stars in my heart shine dim bright
Torn apart in suffering, afflicted with a vile blight
I left all hope behind when I decided to walk alone into oblivions hands.

So bright did my life burned inside my cursed flesh
Fueled by the scent of thy hair, I broke my leash
I forgot pain; I forgot fear, when I muster courage
To say: I love you. But that only increased your rage
Now I seek only the embrace of the dark, do you know where does it stands?

But I realized, that I love you Alejandra, I love you so much
Despite the pain, despite the grief, I will always love you, I need thy touch
To soothe my wounds, to ease my cries, I need to see your sweet smile
I need to hear again your kind voice, to purify all that in me is vile
I need to rest in your lap my head; I need to caress your silky hair
I need to feel your breath in my ears, to stop all my tears, to fly in the air

I don’t know why I keep on, knowing you will never love me
But as long as I love you, I will always praise the day
I will always nurture this feeling in my heart
Waiting for the day, when everything will change
When will that day come? I don’t know
And even if it will never come, as long as I breathe
With each shard of my broken soul I will shout that I love you.

By Mannegarm

I was born in Torreon Coahuila, Mexico, this place I call home, others would call hell