i’ve been noticing an increased number of submissions having to do with the…whole….religion thing. In response to one of those submissions i mentioned i would post my views on “god”. So….here it goes….
…..Does anybody ever wonder what god is really like. i mean REALLY. i was brought up to believe that god has no gender, he is beyond gender classification, but why does everyone still say “He” in referance to god? His angels as well….why weren’t there ever any women angels? This was all explained to me simply…..”It’s God. Don’t question it, just know it.” Blind faith, i later realized, is just some way of putting your problems on some invisible thing and trusting that they’ll get fixed so you don’t have to do it yourself…..is gravity and space really gonna help solve people’s crap? No. And what about chance? Why not believe in chance or “fate”….why do believers say there’s no such thing when they’re own “god” is rather questionable. It’s also very hard to believe that there’s some guy up there in a white robe, sporting his gold crown, sitting on some HUGE throan, pionting his finger at this planet and zapping us some help or punishments. i mean, it’s GOD! Wouldn’t he have something better to do? Poor guy…worring out having to be perfect not able to scratch his ass once in a while. But then again….if he did….ass scratching would become something sacred. But now i’m just emphasizing the gullible nature of believers. My mother is a zealous believer, but i confronted her long ago that i was not going to participate in her religious activities anymore. My best friend is a believer, but he knows that he can talk to me about god all he wants….sometimes i’ll ask him, but i’m not going to believe.
Why do people call god good and loving when there are children out there starving to death? And to tell the truth…those children are starving because of poeple’s own stupidity. If your country can’t feed you, then WHY THE FUCK BRING MORE POEPLE INTO THAT COUNTRY?! The men should learn how to jack off, and the women should keep their legs closed. There….world hunger solved. And severe injustice? “Ohh, God works in mysteriouse ways”. Right.
To deal with the whole problem, i’ve decided to imagine what god is like. He put is here to experiment. Yes…sadly..we’re all just a bunch of lab-rats. He lets us do things to each other to see what we do. He’s not bothering to “exterminate” us. Eventually we’ll kill eachother off. He does no good to us, he does no bad. We do shit to each other. And we’re gonna deal with it, suffer the consequenses, whatever…..i’ve already made up my own title for him.
“the Invisible Super Huge Mad Scientist Lost in Space”
Not too original…..but i think it fits. Meh….i’m not trying to insult anyone. This shouldn’t cause anyone to take offense. i think it’s more of something to laugh at. If anyone noticed (you’re all intelligent poeple i’m sure you have) i’ve contradicted myself a few times as well.
But this is just something i think about….and it’s what i believe IF god exists. i’m not one of those too interested in finding out either. i’ll definately shove my foot in my mouth when Apocalypse comes, but untill then…i’m more scared of that crazy guy who paces the street in front of my house all day, mumbling to himself on ways he could kill somebody while they’re coming out of the liquer store, steal they’re beer and get away with it.
religious wars kill more people than aids ever has in one week.God is an illusion
As far as I know, angels aren’t either sex, except for those ArchAngels ones. Still I don’t believe in that kind of single god philosphy and not put up in that way of being the almightly of everything. There might be something out there, but I think most of the time it couldn’t give a damn, people have little faith in themselves….
I totally fucking agree with almost 100 percent of what you just had to say. I am a freethinking spirtualist so to speak, and I love arguing the point of God or no God. I think that a God in the sense of all religions is completely ridiculous for the several reasons plus more that you stated. Another reason though that many of us cling to a Catholic or Christian God is because we want answers, something happens, God did it, good or bad. I believe more in fate, and that we all do have a set plan and everything is laid out in flush for us with no means of changing it. Anyways God in the sense of relgion is senseless, mindless, and primative. When we die, we won’t remember a thing about this life, just like when we were first born, we don’t remember it, but we know it happened.
Masochistic, did I ever tell you I love you?
Uhm….well, your thoughts anyway. Hehe.
Alright, so we have this invisible, floating, almighty and powerful “God” who knows everything and is everywhere all at once?! Can we say bullshit?
It’s a simple explaination for why we are all here. God made us. No questions asked. If I went into my yard and tried to make a man out of sand I couldn’t do it. But God is powerful and he can. How though? Most religious people do not believe in magic. AND HE MADE A MAN OUT OF SAND, but we can’t make a rabbit appear out of a hat without a logical explaination. How about that?
I’ve always thought of the human race as tiny ants. And those who die were being followed by that huge magnifying glass known as God. That was when I was a bit younger. The idea is still mostly the same. We are labs-rats in a cruel experiment known as life. I think that God has a little fun with most people, giving them something good or bad they don’t deserve to see how they react. Maybe causing them some sort of emotionally or physical pain and seeing how they deal with their problems. Maybe we’re a prototype. He’s going to use us as data and a model to see what he needs to change or get rid of to make a better Earth. An experiment for a final product. And when the Apocalypse or Armageddon(whatever you want tocall it) comes around that means he’s through with collecting information on humans. He can make a better world then.
As for the he and she thing… She is ony used when people are talking about objects, such as boats, cars, houses, motorcycles. You know, those material things that people cherish so much it’s sickening. Did you know that the United States is considered a she? Giving inanimate objects a gender.. that’s just SO LOGICAL.
God is blind faith. ANY God is blind faith, no matter what religion you have. I could put my faith in a damn penny if I wanted to. Only diffrence is I can HOLD a penny. I can see it, feel it, and even taste it if I was dumb enough to stick it in my mouth. God…he’s just there. Will always be there unless we all forget God. If you don’t think about it then it isn’t there….. right?
If this isn’t making sense I apologize. I was…. uh… drinking something.
I am an Intoxication of the best kind.
HAHAHAHA… I just remembered that title you came up with..
“The Invisible Super Huge Mad Scientist Lost in Space”
That cracks me up. Could be just because I’m half drunk. Half drunk.. didn’t know you could be that but whatever.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I am sure my friends will hate me spelling it out in such a way. I can’t agree more!
Shit, this stuffs good. Fuck, I need another one. Puts the whole god shit in a diff. light!
My best friend calls himself an athiest. He also believes that there are no chances. Everything happens for a reason. Events recently would tend to make me aggree with him. Even if I find the term … a little inapproriate for his belief. I may be under informed, but every other “athiest” I’ve met in person believed that everything was random, and that nothing that happend mattered. When you’re dead, its over types, you know?
I’m more of a “can’t change the past, can change the future” girl, myself. I hope this isn’t my only run through, because I have a lot of things I’d like to fix. People I’d like to treat differently know that thier gone. Some, I’d be nicer to, Some, I’d strangle and toss like the trash that they turned out to be.
thats true of every one , I think.
I woould call myself an atheist, and no, atheist does not mean “nothing matters, no reason, everything is over when you die” (Though it is true that it seems like that sometimes when I feel really bad) I just believe that there is absolutely no evidence that there are any gods or God. If all of the sudden a hand reached down from the sky and smote someone in front of my face, I would be forced to conclude that God exists, and if the had was hairy I would conclude God was male, but until that happens I have no evidence at all that God exists except…hearsay basically.
People say she exists. Thats the only evidence. Like Descartes, he wants to go back to the very basics. The first thing he concludes is “I think therefore I am” OK…a little strange, but next “I know God exists, therefore He does” how does that follow?