I am tired of all of this shit
It feels like I’ve took a fuckin’ laced hit
Every single day is all the same
Sometimes I can’t remember my own name
My parents are assholes
That try to play protective roles
But in fact…
It’s just an act
They think that I love them
That I listen and obey their every whim
When in fact
It’s just my act
I’m just a fuckin’ drug head
By now I should be in a hospital bed
Everyday seems like its goin’ to be a new one
But it’s not, I do the same shit that I’ve already done
Even right now, as I write
I can’t tell the difference from the darkness and the light
I’ve got a hangover from Hell
I drank last night until over I fell
When I looked at what I had done
I had finished it all until there was none:
A whole two fifths
And no telling how many whiffs
That shit was pretty good
Knock on wood
I don’t want to jinx it
Damn It!!! I feel like shit
I am so fucking tired
I feel like I am wired
But not on acid
It’s more like arrid
I just want to lie down
Give the whole world a fuckin’ frown
As I sit down in my seat
I reach across my desk toward my sweet
I take a long drag to ease my pain
Wondering silently if I am going insane
I am a damn fucking druggie
Don’t you see
Just one of the guys you see on the side of the street
One of the guys you’ll never personally meet
I am me
Just a fuckin’ druggie
So as I sit here looking at that corpse in the hallway
Oh, I am sorry…I forgot to say:
I killed my best friend
Or so I thought he was until he sinned
He was about to give me away
But now he will never see the light of another day
Near my bedroom door
His blood is pooling on the floor
I don’t know what to do
Wait, I know!…Let’s play “Guess Who”
Do you want to guess who it is that I have killed
Who it is whose blood I have spilled?
Well let me tell you who it is
I think you are a friend of his:
It is me that now is dead
I have blown off my own head.