I have found my center

I know I haven’t submitted anything in a while. But I am back now.

I have found my center. I was just sitting in my room listening to Rammenstein and I thought, “This is who I am,” I have been looking for something that would make me feel better about myself besides the fact that there are others like myself.

I have been trying to find out who I am and who I have become. I have finally figured it out. I am one of the many children of the darkness. I love the way the darkness feels when I am in it. I also love the way I feel when I am alone in my room, thinking about the others that have found their ‘centers’, if you will, and knowing that they too went through the same thing that I have gone through. I know that I am one of you all. I know that I am a child of the darkness. Thank you, everyone for being their in mind and helping me through this. Expect to hear from me soon.

Categorized as darkness

By Goth Devil

I chose this life to better understand the dreams I have.


  1. Oh great, you’ve got the same taste as me in music and you’ve found your centre in the darkness…good for you. So have I, or rather I embrace the darkness to find the light in a situation, very fulfilling when you get there.

  2. It’s spelt “Rammstein”, not “Rammenstein”, you idiot. It’s really not that hard to get right.
    So… child of the darkness…. where exactly is this “center” of yours? I think I can tell, isn’t it that part of your body where your dad rams his big greasy black cock every night? And when you mean “the way the darkness feels when I am in it”, you mean the way it feels when you’re ass fucking some dirty HIV positive black child prostitute with no teeth, right? Ah yes, and sitting in your room “thinking about the others that have found their centers”… reminiscing about all the other filthy Jewish scumbags’ cocks you’ve sucked. OK. Just wanted to get that straight.

  3. i am a child of the darkness and am glad you have found your center

  4. lifeisdeath,
    the darkness is normally forced on people or is just there. no one really lets it happen. they just learn to deal with it or get sucked into the darkness even deeper.

  5. I know that. But people can fight it too. They don’t have to let it become a part of them. That’s what I was asking.

  6. I have let darkness become a part of me that is why i submitted what i did

  7. Ok, maybe we’re getting to the point here. I was asking you why you let darkness become a part of you ?

  8. Oh, I’m so glad you found your center! Why don’t you find a razorblade and cut your pathetic wrists.

  9. Jewishbashingmaniak.
    Do you have this obcession with telling every1 to slit their wrists with razorblades CANT YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW.

    GOTH DEVIL its nice to know you have found yourself,i think im on the path to finding myself and its very hard coz im seeing things about myself that i do not like……..OHHH JEWISHBASHINGMANIAK IM GETTING SO WRAPED UP IN FINDING MYSELF I MIGHT ACTUALLY SLIT MY WRISTS (haha yeah right whatever)
    But anyway on serious terms im happy for you.

  10. Jewishbashingmaniak.
    Do you have this obcession with telling every1 to slit their wrists with razorblades CANT YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW.

    GOTH DEVIL its nice to know you have found yourself,i think im on the path to finding myself and its very hard coz im seeing things about myself that i do not like……..OHHH JEWISHBASHINGMANIAK IM GETTING SO WRAPED UP IN FINDING MYSELF I MIGHT ACTUALLY SLIT MY WRISTS (haha yeah right whatever)
    But anyway on serious terms im happy for you.

  11. Of course it’s true, do you know why ? Because peace is a center, and in peace you don’t need a center, so you can’t find one.

  12. I’m hoping that if I say it often enough you will take me serioulsy and do it.

  13. What the hell are you all talking about? Life IS chaos. And i’m a child of darkness and i’m pretty fuckin off center I think.

  14. my center is here, where i can make fun of all u cuntholes all i want and you cant do a thing about it….hahaha, stupid little snuff whores.

  15. JEWBASHINGMANIAK shut up dude it wont happen so swivel on it,

  16. Im fully with DamnedOne, I’m a child of darkness, I had crisis and pain to get me here, and I’m way off center!
    Thanx DamnedOne.

    *Beautiful Mess*

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