this poem is about a girl who overdosed on heroin, i didnt actually die, obviosly because i am here to write about it. i think that everyone should read this before they get into hard drugs… i learned the hard way, so you dont have to. please take a moment to read this and if you have anything to say, please respond
listen to the voices
wispering my name
never could i see
the point of sight
nor could i think of my other life
i wish i could say
the way i think is right
if only i could do what others want me to
i close my eyes and listen
to the confusing thoughts
bouncing around my head
laying siege to my brain
possibly the hardest thing i have ever done
was starting to stop
for love or for life
i may never know
but for him is for me and i dont care whats right
or good
i only care for the dark pits
of my conscious
and the stars in his eyes
the moon is my mind and i wonder
is it all?
or is it nothing i dont care i never will
the darkness floods my quezy stomach
and kills my mind of dark and light
i wish on the very light i fell from
i forever forget this night
the life falls from my eyes and i see nothing
i care not what they think
lying on the floor
in a pool of her own piss and vomit
she cries out to the goddess
and i her only friend she sees and hears nomore
i cant help the way she feels
i wish i could i need a light
in the dark
i slip into the meaningless chatter n her mind
i try to understand why
her life is the way it is
and why i should care i dont know
but i do
i cant help but i cant stand here and watch myself die
how do you see your own body
from outside
why cant i help myself
why cant i help her
i slide away from my friends and family
i am my only friend now
and i realize she is me only too late
my life is thine but thine is mine as well
and i yell to the goddess
she cant hear me
isis i scream to you
odin, rah help me
help her far to late i see
and the whispering voices in my head
continue and cease in intervals now
i wish i could see the way i need to see
the ancient texts haunt me
all i have ever seen or read
whispered to me always
first this voice then that
alwayse whispering messages haunt the life
i live i sleep i eat i drink
i land hard on the floor
i look at myself and she sees nothing
a failure so she grabs for the blade
the needle
what gave the life must also
take it away she cries
goddess, dianah, isis, hera, hesthia
come to me help me
save me kill me
let me leave
free me from these chains she cries
free me from this life
the needle slices into her vein for the last time
she will never see again
i wish i could have helped her
she was beyond mortal help
her time came to soon or too late maybe
she slides into the eternal sleep
and i watch like a stone they carry me away
on a streacher or in a coffin
i take my last breath
her last words are
i love you me myself all of you
my only friend
my only enemie
my one true love hate
all of you me myself
and she passes i die
gone forever
my one true friend
i love you me myself