I need help!! THis is urgent!! someone help me plz!!

ok, so my friend is doing suicide, I am, my other firend s are going crazy because I’m doing suicide again. I have cuts all on my left arm. My friend almost shot himself dead while I talked to him. And saturday night, he almost hung himself because his friend has cancer. I want to die!!!! I don’t wanna live thru this pain anymore I’m niot faking thios crap I hate the war everytjhing about this hell they call “world”. This whole place is bullshit. I hate everything!!

Someone talk me down. Most of my friends i cannot get in contact with. And I can’t stan dmy parents they are no fukkin help at all!@!!! I’m suppose to see a psychologist but i cant see whoever the hell this person is becuase of MY PARENTS.

All because of them and I need fukking help!! They dont see that do they? My dad is fukkin smoking he wont stop so im gonna start i dont care if i die from the first puff. i dont care if i go to hell im already in fukkin hell!!! somebody help……

By BuLiMiC

Hello, my name is LB.


  1. hey i would like to help but what the fuck can i do about you bieing suicidal :-S

  2. i honestly dont kno what u can do about me being suicidal but i know that u can talk me out of it if you want to….

  3. ya i know that but no one knows what i go thru or what i went thru i know i should satop for their life but its so0o hard

  4. dont kill yourslef, there is no use for it. if you died, what good would it do? do u think your friends would be able to go on with their lives the same, no, they would become dperessed and suicidal too. if you wont stop for your own life, stop for theirs.

  5. i know muh family loves me abnd so do muh friends. i suffer thru love tho i have a bf. i know lots of ppl in muh family care but muh family i live with muh parent sdont seem to show it much. i dont like the way they treat me. i did stop the cuts but i think a lot about it. i dont pick up the scissors anymore if that helps but i get a lot of mood swings im only 13 im afraid if i do get layed it might go far

  6. you are rite, no one knows your life inside and out, but u do, and if you are smart, befor u make another atempt to kill yourself, u should think about the people who you love, and who love you in return, it seems like your friends care about u, and it might not seem worth liveing for, but haveing friends that care is the best reason to live. if this dose not perswade, maybe u need to get layed, that might make u feel better. 🙂 it might be hard, but what in life isnt?

  7. Sweetheart… parents arent ever any help til you dont live with them… they usually like to think they can rix everything and nothing ca n be wron g… suicide isnt a way to go… I learned that years ago when I lost my friend cause she was in a similar situation.

  8. i know its not the answer and im not a sweatheart plz refrain from calling me that but i just dont understand them they dont understna dme its like they frogot what its like ti be a kid muh mum complains about muh clothes and muh dad calls me and idiot is that a parents job??

  9. Think of yourself on an elastic band and that you will never truely hit the bottom in all of this, that mythical bottom will never be reached because the rubber won’t stretch that far.

    Parents don’t know everything, that is a break in your perception of them, all be it hard this way. You know you, this is what counts and to also find yourself in all of this. Sometimes tell everything to go away for a while and hide away. My parents don’t understand the workings of myself either, over the years they have tried all sorts of things to help me, but it really means nothing that much to me in the end . . . for what I crave from them they are too afarid to give—they don’t give love or a hug and think money will fix most things. They don’t know me really well anymore, just the way it is. But I know myself. Get to know yourself well.

    There’s no point in leaving perminatly, not yet at least, you’re still young, there are things to be done in the world. How about you try and fix things around yourself some, start with something very very small that can make you feel a little better if only for a moment. Start there and grow the better things as you come to know and do more.

    🙂 hope this helps some email me if you like at volatrrens@yahoo.com.au

  10. Dude,take life easily, imagine waht you can do with your life in the future what you need to do is support ur friends, be strong and you will get through it and im begging you dont commit suicide in a way its cowardly, but in a way it is a relief.but what is heroic is living through it and taking one bit at a time. Your friends obviously have problems that they need to solve and its hurting you in the process………just be there for them and be there for yourself.
    my best wishes.
    Devilshalo. xx

  11. e-mail me if you want to talk.

    things always seem the worst at the moment. step back from whatever in life is bothering you and ask yourself if it’s really that bad. things will get better just as soon as you take yourself away from the situation and give yourself some time to think about it.

    best of luck to you.


  12. hey guys thnx for all your comments you know you really helped me really thnx a lot!!!

  13. Ya can mail me too, i figure if your life’s worth it then you should make the effort to talk to somebody. I pay psychotherapists alot of money every day so I could hook you up with one of them if you wanted me to.
    Even the fact you want us to talk you out of this shows that you don’t wanna do it. If suicide was an option you would have done it by now, but it’s not an option, it never was for you. Remember, ‘nearly’ doesn’t count. I nearly killed myself a thousand times, but it means nothing. It’s just a reflection of a moment. Those shitty moments when you feel like dying don’t define you – you have your strong times too, and those are the ones that are gonna get more and more frequent. The crappy part is, you’re a teenager and this isn’t going to go away until the hormones quit fucking you up. Bad thing about life, but there’s nothin you can do but live through it.

    Suicide … that’s the dumbest way out. I mean, oh my God if I’d committed suicide when I was thirteen I would never have met my ex fiancee or Dom, the love of my life. I would never have moved away from my mom and dad, never would have got my own home with the person I love, never would have even met my favourite little sister, given my other sister away at her wedding … all that cool shit I would have missed out on. And sure, there have been shitty bits, I mean if I’d killed myself at thirteen I would never have gotten cancer or lost Nancy. But that’s the price you gotta pay, you know. The bad shit happens but it’s part of life. Get past that, and you’ll find good stuff that you can’t even imagine.
    Anyways, you want someone to listen then I will.
    ( allifeelishappy@hotmail.com )

    Have a good one, time is precious, don’t abuse it. Some of us don’t even have that luxury, so I don’t see why you should waste it. Seeya, Damian.


  15. TRUE TRUE………well, it all comes down to this…i feel happier i got someone elses perspective on muh iussues thnx a bunch 😀

  16. Your welcome……….i think i speak on behalf of all of us.

  17. “don’t let the world bring you down. not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. remember why you came, and while you’re alive experience the warmth before you grow old.”

  18. Mors.. Strangely, I was thinking of that same song when I read her/his post.

    Angel, you said no one knows how you feel, and I doubt that. Everyone thinks that their alone in life, and that none of the horrible things that happen to them occur to others. And they’re wrong. People talk to me about their problems and explain to me relationship issues(I don’t know why though, I’m bad with spouses myself) and every story I’ve heard before.

    Parents don’t understand.. good point. Some do though. Some still remember what it was like being a kid and they can still feel it. You don’t have to go to YOUR parents for help. I’ve talked to the father of a friend of mine about some problems I had and he helped me, but I could never confide in my parents for reason of my own. Find help from an adult that you trust and you know will want to help you, if they don’t want to help then you shouldn’t even let them try only to end up giving up or failing.

    Need a short ‘pep talk’? My email.

    But don’t expect me to be there long term, I’m more like and visitor in a strange town. Don’t want to make friendly with the folks and end up stuck.


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