Help me!!!
OK, heres what’s going on. I was going out with this guy for almost 7 months but then he broke up with me. He said he felt caged in but seeing as how he barely ever saw me, I don’t understand. See he told me he loved like 3 months into the relationship and it took me about 4 to 5 months to say it back. I wanted to be sure that I really loved him before I said it. When I was sure, I told him. Things went good between us and we barely ever had fights.
Although I did do somethings with his bestfriend 4 months after we hooked up. But I told him and I feel really bad about it. He said it was fine as long as I didn’t do it again. OK, anyway, we got into a fight one day about something really stupid. I don’t remember, or maybe it’s because I don’t want to remember, who knows. Anyway, he didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day and when I got home I called him. He said he didn’t want to talk to me but when I asked him why all he said was I have my reasons. I asked him if I could call him back and if he would talk to me (bc I had to go to a concert that night) and he said yes. Well when I got back home that night I called him and he told me he was busy. So I asked him to meet me in the commons in the morning and he said ok because he knew we had to talk. Well, Turns out, he didn’t show up. So I got pissed because I had to wait until 4th pd to talk to him. When I caught up with him he said that he was still mad at me and so I gave him a letter that I wrote him and walked away. Then after 4th he met up with me and I walked him to 5th. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said that he didn’t think things would work out. I said okay and went to lunch. I cryed and I wont lie and say I didn’t. It hurt. I felt my heart breaking. I looked into his eyes when he broke up with me and I saw nothing. No emotion what-so-ever. I asked him if he really mean’t it when he said he loved me and he said yes. And I knew he wasn’t lying by the way he looked me. But he looked at me all the time and he gave me these looks like “I made a mistake breaking up with you” look. We became friends and everything but I still love him. Well there was this guy that I have liked since about 5th grade (I’m in 9th) and he just moved back. He liked me and I liked him and one thing lead to another and we started going out. I thought maybe if I went out with Jonah, I could keep my mind off of Daniel and it worked, for about a day. Then I started missing him even more. Well I was going out with Jonah for a week and the Friday aftger we started going out (ending the one week marking pd) we went to PuppyKat’s party together. Well, it’s a long story but I broke up with him and then we started going back out and then about 3 hours later he breaks up with me because he wanted to go fuck this girl he had only known for 6 hours. I laughed my ass off at first and then started crying because I was extremely pissed and I didn’t want to hit any of my friends at the party. I punched a tree and than a wall but it didn’t help much. I was to pissed. Then I started laughing again. I thought about it for a while and started to realize that I wanted Daniel even more than before. I’m I LOVE him so freaking much. I want to be with him so bad. All of my friends tell me I should just tell him how I feel but I’m not sure if I should. I mean I don’t know how he feels or anything. It’s funny but I didn’t realize exactly how much I loved him until I started going out with Jonah. Anyway, I need help or advice or something. PLEASE HELP!
I think you should tell him how you honestly feel. Did you ever figure out why he wanted to break up with you? (daniel I mean), my advice to you is to tell him that you just wanna know what made him feel that way (unless you already know..if so..sorry..I didnt know) and that you want to try to work it out. If he gets stubborn, just let him know that your pouring your heart out to him and he could atleast take the time to listen. and if he walks away or hears what you have to say then still doesnt want to get back together… then atleast you know that you got it all out, and that he knows. And also…you know that he’ll be thinking about what you said..ok? ; )
P.S.- if you do what I told you to do…then lemme know how it went 🙂
You’re gonna grow up soon, and all of this kid-type shit won’t seem so vital. Don’t be so eager to be in love, because you come across as pretty immature, even from this.
Unfortunately i agree with Blacklight. You’ll grow up and realise that all this stuff is very childish and the only reason you think you love Daniel so much is because you just want someone to love, as does everyone. it’s a very natural process, but you will grow out of it.
I’m inclined to HALF agree with those above, sure people grow out of that need, but it isn’t by age, it’s by experience.
You have to give yourself a chance to get over daniel, a proper chance. It’s to easy to go out with someone else, subconsciously looking for comfort, then for the same reason want to run back to the first when you break up.
It is not a nice process to have any part in, I’ve been one of the go betweenees and it took me about four years to realise I didn’t love him I just thought he must be “the one” because he kept coming back.
I wasted four whole years of my life with someone I now realise was a using, playing ass hole the whole time.
I’m now best friends with the person he was messing me around with and we are both of the opinion that we are much better off now we’ve had a chance to calm down and really look at what was going on.
…I’ve really got to stop using other people’s posts to pour my guts out! 🙂
Well, I do thank you for the “help”. I don’t think I’m in love with him….I don’t want to be in love with him….it’s just how I feel. I know I am immature but that’s just me. I enjoy being immature because after all I am only 16. I did post however, to get other peoples opinions and I got that. I do agree with Sethera however, it doesn’t come with age, it comes with experience, that of which I have no recieved. Therefor, I can’t learn…..right???
I really dont know what to say..but all i CAN say is follow your heart…do what you think is best
Everyone’s entitled to a bit of immaturity in it’s place, and MBS you are learning now, it’s just harder to see when you aren’t looking backwards at it from a long way away.
All I can add is that when you’re out of this period of uncertainty you’ll have a clearer idea of what was/is going on emotionally now, just try not to worry too much about it when you can’t hope to understand it completely.
AND, I find it hard to figure out which way my heart is pointing, fate seems to be a clearer guide and it’s found me somebody, not perfect, but flukily good 🙂 Just go where life takes you.
hmmmm, thanks….oddly that does help calm me down a little, both mansonfreek6x3 and sethera. It’s werid, I’ve been hearing that all along but I guess it’s the fact that you don’t know me that helps. You aren’t just telling me what I want to hear like my friends…….
: )~ …I hope everything goes well!
🙂 your welcome, honestly – retrospect is always the best perspective to talk from!
I have to disagree with the age/experience argument. I’m sorry but right now you’re a big timebomb of fucked up hormones, and that does mostly go away with age … experience being irrelevant to some extent.
i agree with blacklight, but i can say that bein fucked over time and time again does give you a serious sence of insecurity…..
Ah yeh, I’d forgotten about hormones, they come into it – but if you go through puberty without experiencing this then you don’t suddenly hit a certain age where you can deal with it.
Less of a chemical mix up makes it easier but cannot replace experience because they just aren’t equivalent.
well, I can honestly say that I know some people who really never experienced this matter and they feel the same as me, yet they are much much older. Like my aunt linda who is 39. But I guess not everyone is the some although I can see where you are coming from blacklight.
even tho this all seems like a big deal right now, I promise you will look back one day and wonder what you were being so dramatic about. I’m not trying to offend you, but I can say what I can cuz I look back on my puppy-love days and wonder what I got so upset about.
Its hard now, but it will get easier.
my advice…PRAY to the Lord God Almighty for some help..don’t ask us mere mortals
You can pray all you like, God’s not gonna send you an email explaining anything. Frankly there is no right answer to this situation, you’ve just gotta stop and think, the problems that you had with Daniel will probably happen again, in which case is it worth all the crying a second time? It sounds to me like you’re not ready to date. Focus on your friends and school or your hobbies or whatever, I know what it’s like to be your age and desperately want to be in love, so much so that you take what would otherwise be a crush and subconciously make it feel like more. It might be love to a certain extent, because at 16 you can definitely feel love, but it most likely isn’t the kind of love that’s going to last. All I can suggest is that you move on and try to take a break from guys for a while, get some perspective on your life first. Good luck with it! 🙂
Thank you, but I am ready to date. I’m not dwelling on this. In fact, when I first wrote this it took 3 weeks to put it on here. I’m fine with him now. And I’m not gonna pray seeing as how I don’t believe in God. But thank all of you and I will keep all this in mind next time I decide I REALLY like >lust< a guy. 🙂
Yeah, but Dam… even if it isn’t real… even if MBS or anyone else *is* too young… it doesn’t really stop one from hurting, does it? The amount of times I cried at thirteen because I was ‘in love’…. it’s stupid looking back, but I know how it made me feel then…
Morbidly Beautiful Soul, I guess I’m just going to repeat what others have said, but… try not to stress too much, it will get better and you *will* be happier. The best of luck xxx
I’ve seen you make some very intelligent points withered rose, its very true that whether or not it matters later, or matters to anyone else, things like this can still hurt and confuse.
thank you very much
Awww, thanks Sethera! 🙂 *feels all warm inside
As far as the age / expereince thing goes, experience makes a hell of a lot more of a difference than age. Someone locked up in a room for five years, without experiencing anything would have the mind of someone five years younger. To me expereince is the key, age barely means a thing, hormones or no hormones.
This whole thing looks like a stupid little social problem to me. Personally, I think you should just get over it and move on. But seeing as you seem to really LOVE this guy Daniel, stop complaining about being scared. The only way you’re going to get him is by telling him how you feel. Why are you even writing this on this place instead of writing what you’re feeling to Daniel?!? Just tell him!! Men are stupid (no offense to any men here, I’m just saying…) And most likely, you’re going to find out that he probably loves you too still. Good luck.
And that best friend thing was cold. Are you sure he’s over that?
Yes, the best friend thing was cold, I’ll admit that. I’m sure he is over it though. It was about it happened about 5 months ago. Anyway, I did tell him…..yesterday actually >or maybe I was dreaming< I dunno. I’m not complaining, I just had to clear up the story for myself. I was sort of confused. So I did it here. But thanks pitiful 😕
lol no i was just saying that you should do something instead of wasting your time on here. i know what you mean about clearing up the story for yourself…i’ve had to do that many times. kind of helps. i dun know. good luck.
Ah youth. The beauty of it all. What your parents don’t tell you when they say “God I wish I could be your age again” is the real reason. Only when you’re young can you REALLY feel emotion. It’s so new and so powerful. The happiness the love and even the pain is like a sweet nectar that loses it’s taste as you you get older. Anyway, advice, that’s what you wanted, so I’ll cut my nostalgia bullshit. I’ve taken quite a great number of pain killers, I don’t currently possess the capacity to patiently devote my full attention to everyone’s prior comments, so you’ll forgive me for reiterrating previously stated ideas or if I don’t make any sense.
At the risk of opening myself to comments I do not want, I will tell you some of my own experience in the hopes that you will perhaps garner some sense of resolution or justification from them. I had love once. I thought I had it many times but only once did I truly feel it’s most brutal affects. It was the kind of love that made me float, that made me foolish. It was the kind of love that made my skin crawl all the way up my spine everytime she touched me. It was the kind of love that I could never adjust to and each day it only seemed more intense than the last. It was the kind of love that spanned through ages and made me want to die just to see if we would find each other in the next life. And so we were married. I was only seventeen years old and I wanted her for the rest of my life. Three years later and I still feel the same way… But she wasn’t real. She never was. My wife… A year after we’d seperated, my wife was diagnosed as a schitzophrenic (in recent years the the term they would have used to describe her before the politically correct movemnt is a pyschopath) and commited to Anna Jacques psychiatric ward. The girl I loved was an act. Most people just say that, but for me it was the absolute truth. She was never real. Never. It was called an adopted personality. She knew exactly what to say to get what she wanted, and she always gets what she wants. Yet still, after all that pain, after all that misery of accepting that my one true love was a fantasy concocted by the mind of a sociopath, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was worth it. Lies or not, I was happy. Truly happy. So I guess my point is, mere seconds of true happiness is worth an eternity of pain. But make sure that it’s what you really want before you take that risk.
From the realm of fantasy and nightmare,
That was really interesting and deep. I enjoyed reading that…even though I probably shouldnt have…I’m sorry that she turned out to be an act, but I am glad that you were happy and that you look at it as a few seconds of happiness is worth an eternity of pain. That’s the right way of looking at it. I think I’ll remember that and your story for a few months now…lol.
The true beauty of this site is that people feel able to share their stories to help others, as you have Mannequin. That really was moving, in the purest sense of the phrase, respect to you.
And you’re right too, the shortest moment of absolute jubilation is definitely worth a lifetime of suffering.
I’m not sure whether I agree… it’s a tough one… but I know that I have come to loathe and despise misery. And to spend a lifetime in that state just to have been away from it for a while… I don’t know.
However, I wouldn’t want a life of nothingness and obscurity just to avoid pain, either. I guess it’s drawing the line, which is the worst part, because you can’t decide what’s going to happen to you.
I agree with you in some sense, Withered Rose. “However, I wouldn’t want a life of nothingness and obscurity just to avoid pain, either. ” I think is part of the point. Living a lifetime of pain makes the few moments of happiness all the more sweeter, and therefor worth living in all of that pain.
I agree with you in some sense, Withered Rose. “However, I wouldn’t want a life of nothingness and obscurity just to avoid pain, either. ” I think is part of the point. Living a lifetime of pain makes the few moments of happiness all the more sweeter, and therefor worth living in all of that pain.
Wow Mannequin.
That’s an amazing story, beautiful… bittersweet.
You have the attitude I tend to have, only yours seems to be much stronger.
I always look back and think that the happiness outweighed the pain, that it was worth it, but you are an inspiration.
My pain makes me real.
To hurt is the only way to know happiness
hmm… that came out wrong, just so as you know, I didn’t mean pain is the only pleasure, I meant that without being sad we wouldn’t know what real happiness was, as dark to light and life to death.
Yeah… all’s I’m saying is that I’d rather they be more equal in my life, rather than a short burst of pure radiance followed by a lifetime of hurt and despondancy…
True, it’d be nice to have a balance, but I live for memories, possibly to a greater extent than for the present; one precious memory can keep me content for a long time whether life is going well or not, whereas a life where each happy day blurred into the next and never ceased to be that way, would become…not tedious, but have a lack of challenge, making happiness less of a treasure because it becomes mundane.
Well said, Sethera.
thank you 🙂
I thought of something else too, perhaps it’s the memory that keeps me going because I hope for something similar in the future, a flash of occasional joy to have faith in and look forward to on the otherside of what sometimes appears to be a very dark and misty night of life
Yeah… I suppose… I mean, I’ve been thinking a lot about this… and it is the hope that keeps you going, isn’t it? I mean… if you actually KNEW that a particular moment was going to be the best of your life… you might just give up after that, want to die then. Hmmm. But just waiting for similar moments is what it’s all about, isn’t it?
I think that’s part of the reason why people stay alive half the time, Withered Rose. I think the other part is just curiosity and interest in the mystery that is the future. You want to see how certain things turn out, and you hope for the best. You make a good point too, Sethera.
I remain in this world because I will not be beaten, by God or anyone else.
I remain in this world because there doesn’t seem anything better to do. And anyway, the way I see it everyday is a chance to make up for the last one, to improve and learn and eventually (ideally) fulfill myself. I’m proving to myself that I’m here for something other than boredom and pain. I’m going to make of life what I think it should be, and I’m going to help others while I’m at it (to the best of my ability anyway). Life doesn’t last long as it is, and I’m curious to see what’s going to happen to mine. It’s like watching a really long movie, only I’m in it. 🙂
P.S. And another thing, the world has too many flavours for me to taste them all in one life time, so the longer I stick around in this one, the more I get to try. 😉
Right now I guess I stick around because I’ve got my whole life ahead of me… (unless I die unexpectedly)… but I wonder what it’s like to get to, say, 45, and feel the same way? Is it worth it then? I know life doesn’t stop after youth but sometimes in my youthful eyes it seems that way.
In my immature little way I guess you have different things to live for when you reach that kind of age; for some people it’ll be to see their children live out things that they remember, or to be with other people they care for, or just to carry on hoping for something to repeat – “the good old times”…
Yeah, I think you’re right Sethera, your goals change as you get older… you want to give your kids a good life, grow old with someone you love, all that boring stuff.
And I agree with some of you, I want to experience what I can this time around, while I can, and make the most of the time I’ve got (the time that I’m well, anyway).
MorbidlyBeautifulSoul the only advice anyone can give you is to end your fucking worthless life. Suffocate on gas you filthy slut.
I think he likes you 😉
Hmmm, KILLYOURFAMILY just to say my life isn’t worthless. In fact, it’s rather good. I have no reason what so ever to leave this world (unless by means that aren’t my fault) heartbroken or not. So I’m a filthy slut, eh? So what does that make you? I’m curious as to how you can judge me and not even know me…..but I guess that’s the way of the world. Hmmm, maybe some of you are right, instead of wasting my time on shit like this, I should work on other things, such as my music or poetry. I don’t know but thanks to those of you who didn’t bash me….
Oh, sorry if it seems like I took offense to some of your comments. I take things very literally. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it. Thanks again.
Frankly, I’m surprised you saw the need to defend yourself at all. *shrug*
For what, being called a filthy slut??? Nope, no need at all to defend myself… actually I see a need to defend myself in most situations. I don’t know why, the smallest things can piss me off. It’s no big deal though.
KILLYOURFAMILY has appeared a few times on this site. All you does is insult, telling people they’re worthless and they should die… If you hate everyone so much, then why are you a member?
It’s a game, one I thought was given up a long time ago, when KILLYOURFAMILY, jewbashingmaniac, notyou, and insertnamehere all stopped posting, but the game’s back on, I gather.
YAY! Games make me poop!
Im acually in a similar situation…but Ive just learned to forget about it…and so should you..i didnt read any of the other posts here..but I’m guessing the others told you to forget about it and move will over time…trust me
Guys are scum.
I’m not a manhater or anything, but I believe it’s true. I also believe that women are the source of evil.
You realized you loved Daniel more than ever when you were going out with Jonah. To me that just means you missed qualities Daniel had that Jonah didn’t. Probability says that you don’t really love either of these two.
Vix and blacklight are both right((as usual..))
You’re just looking for someone to love and you’re rushing it, so you chose the kid you went out with for seven months. It’s what kids do.
If I’ve learned anything in my short life, it’s don’t rush love, and enjoy everything the moment it happens. It’s sometimes over too soon.
And don’t stress out about guys and relationships with them when you’re a teenager. Guys are scum. And women are the source of evil.
Actually, I think the correct word I should have used would be ‘assholes’, not scum.
I think I agree with Intoxication yet again.
I agree with this, however I normally tell people that guys are stupid and the universe has a natural propensity towards making it easy for women to be evil. It’s like a fucking conspiracy or something. I’m serious, pay attention sometime.
Trust me. I do.
ok some thing like that was happening to me like that a week ago tell him how you feel thats what i did and g/f felt the same way i was so happy but i had to brak up with this other girl i have liked for a year she under stood i got bake to gether with sinead(my g/f) and things havent been better so just tell him how you feel im shere things will work out for the best
Its not a game
You are all sub-human scum that must be anihilated
And ‘Beautiful Mess’ I am now “SLAUGHTER THE JEWISH SWINE!” not ‘jewbashingmaniak’
As for ‘MorbidlyBeautifulSoul’ i will give you the only advice you need,
Kill your self!
Get a knife a stab it deep in to your face and bleed your zionist blood on your jewish masters dick.
Take your own advice slaughter.
Wake up to your self you spineless disiple of zion!
Go cry to your pedophilc jewish masters!
thanks for the advice, but i’m pretty sure i have a spine in both meanings and i’m pretty sure i dont have any jewish masters.
I do. His name’s Harvey. He owns the liquor store 😛
OK, Hi eveyone. I am over this shit and have been for a while. I have a new boyfriend and I’m not falling for him as fast. Anyway, I’m happy with no reason to kill myself and Daniel was never worth killing myself over. Jews???? Wow, I’m not fond of them…..Hmm, ok, whatever.
you’re gay
you’re quoting from the matrix
you’re gay
so sorry it took so long for me to realize it but my friend craig saw your posts and he said for me to say two words to you…”you’re gay” because you’re living the matrix reloaded
lol its funny
Don’t fall for anyone. If you fall for someone that means they made you trip, and anyone who purposely trips you is only trying to harm you. That floor is hard and I hope you know that.
…..I’m bored. What’s happened to Darkness – where’s all the new stuff? 🙁
“you’re quoting from the matrix” If that was directed to me you are a fucking idiot
‘zion’ is not from the matrix
‘zion’ is the biblical home of the jews and it is the ”holly land” of israel
and cristians regarded it to be the city of gods (jewihs lies)
And it is allso short for Zionism witch is a policy of jews and outher jewish lies
And zion or zionist is allso a short name for calling someone a jew
So shut the fuck up you filthy kike!
I think the editors took a vacation.
Or they were part of a mass homocide.
Who knows?
lol, I like that little blurb you wrote Intoxication. It made me smile 🙂
If you put a gun in your mouth and blew your skull open on your dads jewish dick it woeld make me smile
Curious… would she have both the gun AND his dick in her mouth? Or would she just be kneeling next to him?
Not female! BAH! And the physics of me blowing my brains all over my dad’s cock would entail him not having it in my mouth. Duh… lol
It’s possible. Of course, I can’t explain. It’s one of those things you need a prototype for.
And sorry for calling you a ‘she’. You just seem more feminine that I do. No offense..
This whole conversation sent me on the floor laughing. Slaughter, take your own advic before you go and give it to others. Second, I don’t care where it’s from, what uterus you flew out of, or if you’re a fucking insane skitzo…as long as you have fun doing whatever in all hell you’re doing.
And if I see any jewish masters, I’ll be sure to give you a shout.
For someone who hates Jews so much, I wonder why he read up on their history…
“For someone who hates Jews so much, I wonder why he read up on their history”
It is called know your enemy, if you dont you will lose the war
I have to agree with the antisemetic on this one. I can’t stand people who bitch about something they know nothing about. If you’re going to be a neo-nazi, at least don’t be an ignorant hick about it.
Oh yeah, just out of curiosity… What exactly makes me feminine?
PS: Derrr… beer, sports… uhhhh… tits… ya dude titties, and errrr… beer dude…. ya dude, beer… sports… and titties….(better?)
What war? Are you having a battle in your backyard with the little boy next door? Do you have fake guns and grenades?
And Mannequin, I don’t know. You SEEM feminine. It’s okay though.
Yeah, and those who aren’t Christian shall either be shunned and damned to hell, or be converted to save their soul.
In both religions it’s join or be worthless.
Ain’t it great?
I will give you a few quotes from the Talmud
(jewish bibel like the Torah)
” All propety of other nations belongs to the jewish nation… ”
-Schulchan Aruc, Coszen Hamiszpat
” It is permitted to deceive a goi ”
-Babha Kama
” A jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them ”
-Szaaloth Utszabot, jore dia
” It is the law to kill anyone who denies the torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah. ”
-Cocchen Hamischpat, Hagah
” The seed of a goi is worth the same as that of a beast ”
*Goi = non jew
This is just some of meney quotes from the jewish books, I do not need to go into detail, You can work it out for your self
In my religion, even after you join, you’re still worthless. We practice equality 😛
mabey u should just take a brake from dating have fun flirting
I’m tired of this. This website needs to get some new motherfucking posts up because it’s pissing me off. WE NEED NEW MATERIAL!!!! I’M TIRED OF ARGUING WITH THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE!!!
We’re all gay and worthless. Not just jews. Mannequin…lol that’s funny.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; if you’ve got something you want to post, just put it in the comments section. Why the hell not, right?
But we’re arguing with the same people all the time. New posts=new people who are attracted to the new posts, which is my point.
Yeah………. but it’s still going to be the same people. Those new posts will attract us, and you, and we’ll start arguing all over again.
Get used to it 😀
lol…I’m not trying to offend anyone by the way. I just want something new or something. Guess it WILL be the same people though. Guess I might as well get used to it. Guess I need to get something to eat before I starve. Guess I’d better stop typing before I get more annoying than I already am. Too late, I guess =)
That was gay. I’d like to say I’m sorry but I’m not =)
“Your wish is granted”
I’ve searched long and hard for something to make me feel alive.
Sometimes I’d become so lost in the search, that I’d lose sight of the goal.
And then I met you. And you made me feel.
I could feel soft peach fuzz silk of your skin, see the depths of two black elipses staring back at me, smell your musk of fresh sex and flowers, hear the rhythm of your body with it’s beats and flows, and taste the blood sweat and tears that lay beneath the surface.
The search that pulled so hard at my silver cord ended so abruptly that I was nearly hung by my own ambition.
Sent drifting through a boundless ether of what we called love.
But we were only children then.
With my cord bound in knots by your appearance, you continued on while I remained behind. Bound and gagged.
My snare grows tighter the more I struggle, the farther you float away. So tight is it, that I fear it will one day splice through the very fiber of my muscles and cripple me entirely. Bound gagged crippled trapped.
The pain of having eden within my grasp only to lose it and watch it fouled by the world. A paradise coated in toxins withering away from what it was, and what it could have been. Rage is too mild a word.
And I laugh to myself.
If it still hurts this much after so long… then I must still be alive.
In retrospect, I should have proof-read that, but alas, I am an idiot.
OK, can I just say I feel really pathetic? I think what happen with Mr. Daniel was my misperception of love. I think I tried to make myself feel like I loved him when in reality I didn’t. Now looking back at our relationship, it was pointless. Anyway, I thought I would just tell you that. So I think what I’m really trying to say is that you all were correct. Hey!! Want to know my favorite song?
“I went to God just to see
And I was looking at me
Saw heaven and hell were lies
When I’m God everyone dies
Scar-Can you feel my power?
Shoot and the world gets smaller
Scar, scar- Can you feel my power?
One shot and the world gets smaller”
or uh, something like that. That’s a great song though buddy. Sorry, I am so bored today it’s not even funny.
Love is only worth anything because it is temporary. It’s like a gambling addiction that never goes away. If it wasn’t for the huge possibility of loss, the gains would seem trivial. Just be careful not to blow your life’s savings while you’re rolling for the big win.
Was that random or was that directed at someone.
Kind of depressing that love is only temporary, but if you think about it, Mannequin does make sense.
Like a drug, I’m not getting it in my veins again.
Ha thats funny.
Besides being mad illegal, what ya think about an 18 year old fucking a 13 year old?
Sums it up.
well i think love is something that cant be stopped no matter how much we want to.. take me for example for 3 years i loved someone that was beating me everyday but i still loved them and to be honest i still do love him but sometimes you have to move on.. tell him how u feel and if he doesnt feel the same then move on and i promise u will find someone u love more!
You choose who you love, and who you don’t. Never let anyone tell you differently. You are the captain of your own destiny, you are the master of your soul. People also tend to gravitate towards those who hold them in similar esteem as they do of themselves. Thus someone who has low self esteem is likely to cultivate relationships with people who treat them like shit as that is what they’ve become comfortable with. The greatest achievement you can ever accomplish is to know yourself. You’re all you’ve really got from start to end. You’re born alone, and you die alone. As long as you’re stuck with yourself for all eternity, you might as well be friends.
I cannot believe where this website has gone. I could never fathom such childish topics to be disussed on a website like this. I’ve really underestimated the power of conformity.
Example “lostdreamer”? Perhaps you would like to choose a new discussion for us? I’m perfectly happy to maintain a discourse regarding anything that interests you.
PS: Though I thought it obvious, perhaps this needs to be made more publicly known. The vast majority of the users on this site (at least those I’ve witnessed) are basically children (early teens) and thus are expected to be somewhat childish… Aren’t they?
I found this site by randomly typing in URLs…. t’aint that hard (admittedly you have to be damn bored to start with ^_^)
This website has pretty much become a help hotline((in a sense)).
I hate it.
I disagree Mannequin, I don’t think it is possible to completely control who you love and don’t. If only it were that simple, no-one would get hurt, things would be… well… simple.
Are you sure that being hurt ISN’T what you want?
“The wise man knows others. The enlightened man knows himself.” -I don’t remember I was drunk
I think u should just find someone who treats you right and if you cant find that person you should just be with youself
but i dont mean to do it to youself and none of that gay shit
Don’t bother, men don’t listen.
toooooo long she wrote
toooooo lazy to read
Men listen just fine. Women just need to be more literal. For instance, when you say “Fine! Go hang out with your friends and never spend any time with me!”, you just gave us permission. Maybe if you didn’t try to be so manipulative, we would be easier to manipulate? Just a thought.
Not what I meant. When it comes to what a woman wants or how she feels they get ignored because men do what they want because it makes them happy and they figure if you are unhappy then oh well. As far as what she is saying that she shouldn’t bother telling him because if he wants her back then he’ll come back. She can tell him once maybe but don’t bother obsessively calling him and sending him nots because it’ll either make him feel guilty and come back for the wrong reasons or it’ll make him hate you.
Or avoid you entirely because he thinks you’re a psycho 😛
The trick to handling us men is very simple. Sex. We want it, and we need you to get it (not specifically you of course but you know what I mean). The thing that makes us so infuriating is the same thing that makes us so easy to control, testosterone. Use your powers wisely “unbroken”, and be merciful.
PS: Any guy who is not interested in sex has either a testosterone imbalance, deep seated emotional problems (in which case he’s likely to be into deviant sex), is gay, or just had sex (and even that’s not enough to stop some of us) 😉
Note: I didn’t mean to say that gay men aren’t interested in sex. I meant they’re not interested in sex with women.
I mispelled my own handle… I suXorz.
Uh, your theory on why some guys aren’t just about sex is quite wrong and I’ve got other guys to back that up. My love is 23 and didn’t sleep with anyone until he met me at 22, and yes he’s had the chance before. He just thinks there is more to life than sex which there is but guys like you don’t realize that for some reason. I’m just glad I never got caught up with a guy like you. He also didn’t want to sleep with someone that wasn’t right for him and if he wasn’t in love it wasn’t ever going to happen. I don’t understand why all guys aren’t like that. I guess it’s too hard for them to be a gentleman.
Uhm. Why aren’t all people nice, generous, friendly, kind, appreciative?
It’s called having a personality.
Not all women do what Mannequin mentioned. Some are actually upfront about what they want and don’t manipulate men. Yes, some of us are decent.
Some guys are all about sex. It could just be how they were raised, it could be by influence of their friends or media. Some women are all about sex. Did you think of that?
Sometimes we might even be worse. Women can get sex anytime they want, they just need a guy.. on the other hand, guys have to try.
It works both ways. Men can be just as bitchy and manipulative as women and women can be just as sex craved as some men.
I think it’s what some people call… being human?
By the way.. speaking of your love.. are you absolutely sure he just held out because he wanted to find ‘the right one’ or was it because he was just afraid of sex?
That probably sounds ridiculous, but it happens.
And anyways.. if all guys are gentlemen like that, that makes less fun for us, too. ;p
Ehh no I’m sure. There wasn’t any tension or anything, it was the perfect moment and person for both of us.
I would just prefer if all guys were like that, gentlemen that is. I don’t think it’s fun to go around playing games and getting hurt or hurting other people. If that’s your idea of fun, well then you need a little help in the mental department. Hurting people strictly for enjoyment isn’t right.
It’s amazing how badly people can misinterpret what you’ve said, but I’m still not wrong. Being a virgin at age 22 is NOT normal. I’m going to take some shots in the dark regaurding your boyfriend, and you just tell me if I’m wrong. Is he sometimes withdrawn? Clingy? Was he raised by women or without a solid father figure? Does he ever have performance anxiety? I think you need to examine the full spectrum of emotional problems before you raise your holier than thou finger to me.
Any guy who tells you that he’s not interested in sex without any of the aforementioned conditions from my previous post, is a liar. You can tell all your male friends I said so. I may be a an evil sex crazed debaucherist testosterone fiend (as you all but outright called me), but I’m honest and don’t have any reason to lie to you.
“Intoxication” raises several good points (especially with her last post but that goes without saying). Some women are sex crazed too. The cause often being the opposite of what makes men not want to have sex (ie a testosterone imbalance [too much] or deep seated emotional problems).
Also, I’d just like to defend myself a little here too. You (“unbroken”) seem to have equated my desire to fuck women with evil or something. Now don’t get me wrong, I want sex just about all day long, but I never said anything about sneaking around behind my girlfriends’ collective backs to cheat on them, or getting girls drunk so I can take advantage of them, or anything even remotely similar. You made it seem that if a man wants sex then he couldn’t possibly be a gentleman. I think that perhaps you yourself may have some problems with men, but that’s really none of my business so I won’t pry.
Perhaps it will help you sleep at night to know that I’ve only slept with one woman. Granted, I’ve probably had more sex with her than many people ever will with anyone, but there was only one. We met when I was 15 and were together for four years. While most flighty highschool students were floating from one month long relationship to another, me and my own were talking about marriage and how to support a family (and of course, having lots of sex). So am I a bad guy? Or did you just assume things that weren’t true?
Ok, supporting a family at 15-19? Marriage at 15-19? You’ve got to be kidding me. I really just had to say something to that. I’m not deciding wether to listen to anything you’ve said because of that ignorant statement.
Anyways, being a virgin at 22 is normal, depending on the person and their morals. I’m sure there are many Amish and Mormons and hardcore Christians that stay true virgins until the day they get married, does that make them have emotional problems? Nah, I didn’t think so. Him? Clingy? ha! He had both parents, perfect little life, very intelligent, etc. No performance anxiety whatsoever. And he’s quite comfortable with his sexuality so he isn’t gay either. I guess it all goes back to peoples morals. I personally don’t think people should have sex until their with the perfect person either. I guess that makes me have emotional problems in your eyes.
And I don’t care about you. I meant that men in general, well the good population of men think about sex constantly, I’ve been with guys like that and kicked them out the door. Cheating has nothing to do with it, I never said anything about that. It’s just the way men are. I don’t date women so I don’t care about how sexual some women are. And neither should initiate sex, I think it just happens mutually. that’s another issue I have with some men’s sexuality. They want to do it like every minute of the day. I was with someone I wanted to spend forever with one and who meant a lot to me, we did it everyday, sometimes more than once and I ended up breaking up with him because it became meaningless and my love for him vanished. I have no problems with men, I’m just old-fashioned. Once again, that obviously makes me some kind of mental case right?
As far as a bad guy goes… I don’t really know, for all I know you could beat your girlfriend at the end of the day. Who knows right? I just think at least youre pretty dumb if you are thinking about a family at the age of 19. You should be stuck on college and your career for now. But logical thinking and common sense aren’t something I expect from today’s generation.
Who mentioned this marriage and family thing at nineteen anyway?
Unbroken, you had mentioned that you dated a man that you had sex with everyday. Now, why didn’t YOU hold out for the perfect guy? And before you decide ‘this girl is either moronic or just can’t read’, yes, I did see the part where you said you wanted to spend your whole life with him. But wouldn’t you have known before you let him inside you that this is what he wanted and that he WASN’T the perfect one?
Everyone understands that people who are deeply religious of course would hold out till marriage, no one questioned that. We’re talking about the average male((or female)). The average male/female isn’t deeply religious.
But I guess you’re right. It all comes down to morals. It’s sad to say that most people don’t have very good morals. But that’s life, and I doubt you can change it.
Uhh, I knew it’s what he wanted and at the time it’s what I wanted to. I saw making love as an act of expressing emotions but it died off. It wasn’t meant to be. Pardon me for my mistake but I’ve since learned. We were together for a while before hand, I felt I was ready it’s what I wanted but no I didn’t realize it’d have to be everyday.
And no, people don’t have very good morals. I don’t believe you should wait until marriage since marriage is only legally binding. But since I’ve made my mistakes and have learned I feel like you should get a good idea of who your mate is before deciding wether they are the perfect one for you or not.
phhhhhffffff if anyone is strong and dumb enough to kill themselves I wont stop ’em
if someone is gona end their pathetic lives yeyy cher them but at least have a good reason damn it!
Uhm. Scarlet, this post wasn’t about suicide.
And of all the other words that you did misspell, you chose to correct the one we understood. Nice to know you have a ‘gewd’ head on those shoulders.
Once again “unbroken” you’ve chosen to ignore what I write and assume what you like. I find it odd that I have to explain myself to a stranger, but here we are. I will try to address each topic in order for your ease of reference.
First and foremost (this may come as quite a shock to you) some people DO get their shit together before others. Just because YOU may not have had the emotional or financial stability to commit to a long term relationship when you were a teenager does not in any way speak for me. Due to some decisions I made in my younger years (which I will only delve into so far as to say that they were wise ones), I had enough money to emancipate myself from my parents and maintain financial independence by age sixteen. Now, at age twenty-one (if you read more carefully you’d have noticed that I never said I was nineteen) I’ve put myself through college using stock overhead, and have just finished up a BA in philosophy (with a minor in psych I might add). I own half a duplex in western MA, and life is proceeding relatively well for me. So no, I am not “kidding” you.
For the record, your use of the word “ignorant” is, how should I say… ignorant. “I really just had to say something to that.” You shouldn’t use words if you don’t know them.
Anyway, being a virgin at 16 is normal. Being a virgin at 22 is not. And are you suggesting that the Amish, Mormons, and “hardcore Christians” are the norm? I would LOVE to know where you get your statistics (by the way, a great many religious fanatics have severe emotional problems). And just so you know, many of the Amish sects have a tradition of allowing their children to see and experience the world when they turn sixteen so they can make an educated choice between the Amish way and the modern way. Many do not return at all, and many of the girls return pregnant (this is one of the reasons that the Amish aren’t horribly inbred). But I’m getting side-tracked. Being a virgin at 22 is not normal. But that is beside the point. The point is that having a low libido is a sign of a testosterone imbalance in a man, which in turn is a sign of sterility and even prostate cancer at times (and definately not normal).
And since you asked, I will reiterate; I think you have alot of pent up aggression and anxiety regarding men and sex. I think it probably stems from trauma. It may behoove you to at least consider the possibility.
As for being a bad guy with bad morals, what can I say? Maybe… Are you sure you’re qualified to cast that stone?
oww man u r so fucking funny i almost laugh!!!
so fucking what i read two posts at once and send my fucking comment under the wrong subject u bitch! + i am just learning the fuckin language!
oww wait i hope i am not too harsh though since insulting is the only thing makes u feel better u loser!
I don’t have time to read the 2 other posts but scarletangel you don’t have to explain yourself to her, explaining yourself to people especially to people you don’t care about just shows you care what they think and you shouldn’t. And I’m sorry I laughed, I didnt realize you were just learning english.
Strange. You’re just learning English, but it seems you’ve got a handful of curse words already implanted in your head.
Anyways.. unbroken is right. If you’re insulted by me, that means you care. I feel so special.
As for you Scarlet, before you go calling people names, why not try to find a fault in them? I know I shouldn’t be giving you advice on hurting other people, or intending to hurt others, but it makes me kinda sad when I see a person who’s only retaliation is bitch or loser. It’s just sickening.
Scarlet, you sicken me.
(And now you all think I’m cold hearted because I’m telling a person who’s ‘learning’ English that they sicken me by what they speak like. Well, it’s true and I’m not going to sugarcoat anything about my opinion. Hate me or not, I couldn’t care less. )
For some reason, I really like you Intoxication. I am the same way, no sugar coating for me. hahah. I’m just glad there are a few people left on this planet that actually state their opinion regaurdless of what others think.
Wow. I’m liked.
That’s an odd feeling.
You’re a hypocrite “unbroken”. A presumptuous one at that. The more you say, the more you seem like an angst ridden teenage girl, but that’s just my opinion. So do what you like and hide beneath your covers with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears so that you can pretend there is nothing beyond your shortsighted spectrum of life… But there is, and the more you hide from it, the weaker you will be when you finally have to face the world. I’m done with this as I feel no need to bang my head against the density of your skull. So for now, you win through your ability to utterly ignore the facts of the matter. Holding a debate with you is like arguing with a Bornagain about religion. Pointless. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Regarding “Intoxication”‘s little quibble (and I will spare you the sugar coating), you definitely ARE being a bitch. But you’re already aware of that aren’t you? Frankly I don’t care. It doesn’t change my opinion of you either way. But there’s really no reason for you two to fight at all, is there?
I think everyone just needs to take some qualudes and just chill the fuck out.
I’m glad to see you care so much about my life.
Seeing as you don’t really know me nor my life, I’ll let you think as you please. You know, ignorance is bliss.
Ahh… I don’t like to fight with people. I just enjoy arguing and getting opinions from others. Enlightening, in a sense.
And yes, I am aware of my being a bitch. It’s a characteristic I tend to not hide when dealing with.. well, almost everyone. Why be fake?
I felt I should reply to one of those earlier posts since I see a lot of elitism in it. It’s the one mannequin wrote. You said you were 19, maybe you made a typo, maybe you’re lying about it now so I don’t think you’re a teeny bopper but at 21 you shouldn’t be planning for kids either.
Actually I have the emotional and financial ability to commit to a long term relationship (as I obviously have) but I’m not dumb enough to have kids at the age of 19. There’s time for that and once you have a kid you have no freedom. Trust me, both of my sisters did it, and I know better. It’s called, common sense and logical thought.. Ooooh!
Emancipation at 16 is kind of dumb in my opinion. Obviously you had some family “issues”. At 16 my mother let me do as I please. I’m guessing you didn’t have that luxery. But not everyone has a good life.
Ooooh a BA in philosphy. A great degree. It’s not like you can easily go out and get a job as a philospher. Did you get that at Harvard? If not, I don’t want the bragging. Why didn’t you just double major? Too much work? Try this, 2 majors, a minor, while holding a job, and having a social life. Good luck.
I know words, I know them better than you obviously, and a lot of people. I was an A+ english student. Well, a straight A student in general. :o)
I’ll also have you now I had a very good childhood. Straight A’s, lots of friends, popular even being what people would consider “gothic” (I hung out with preps and even dated one of the football players). I did modeling. I was in a doom metal band (singer). I had lots of guys wanting to date me. Even as a child I had lots of friends and straight A’s. Sounds like a good life to me. Not to mention I got whatever I wanted lol.
And it may not be normal to you because you’re a hormone raging 19 or 21 year old but it all really boils down to some people have different morals, set different standards for themselves, and some people are like me and just plain old-fashioned. I think a guy being a virgin at a later age (if not butt ugly) is a sign that they are strong-willed and also are willing to wait till the perfect moment. I mean, my other half had many chances with different girls and he turned them down solely because he didn’t love them. I guess it’s not normal since a lot of nice guys don’t exist, and I guess nice guys wouldn’t be considered normal since most are assholes. Let it be known I don’t deal with elitist assholes like you but only romantic nice guys that don’t plan to have kids at 19.
Good luck though. I hope you don’t end up on welfare since a philosophy degree is about as useless as they come. Try a real career. I don’t want to be supporting your ass someday.
Lol, I find it comical that you’re calling me elitist based on the content of your post (which was grammatically atrocious by the way Ms. A+ English Student). “Let it be known I don’t deal with elitist assholes like you but only romantic nice guys that don’t plan to have kids at 19.” I guess I’m just not cool enough to hang out with you. Sucks to be me. By the way, just how long is a “long term” relationship to you? I spent a fifth of my life with someone. Can you say that?
You also seem really proud of getting nailed by a football player, which is just plain pathetic. So you go ahead and project your regrets of being easy when you were younger onto those of us with a healthy sex life. Maybe you just need to get fucked, obviously your boy isn’t getting the job done. Being a virgin at 22 ISN’T normal in ANY country ANYWHERE.
And what’s this about being old-fashioned? You think having the football team run a train on you makes you qualified? HA! How about this Paris Hilton, you keep your shitty opinion to yourself because we’re all stocked up on crazy here. Further more, you holier than thou cunt, the reason I was emancipated at 16 was so that I could move into my own place. One is not allowed to do so unless they are an independent according to most state law. My family life had nothing to do with it.
And once again, I never said I was 19. Maybe you should reread the post instead of being presumtuous and stupid.
Another thing I’d like to clarify: education is my hobby. I make enough riding the bull (that’s the stock market in case you’re wondering) and renting property that I don’t need a career. My taxes pay for your Medicare, so you can stuff your shitty career (whatever it may be). Furthermore, you failed to even mention what kinds of degrees you have. I’ll bet they pertain to something like drama. Probably where you met your art-fag boyfriend, huh?
Your “good life” as you call it has made you a complete and utter douche bag. So good luck to you and your man child, and have a nice life. I know I will.
PS: Girls like you thiink about guys like me while they’re getting fucked 😉
I also don’t have a child. Once again, I’m not as dumb as you and your girlfriend. I hope your welfare life is good. With your kids that aren’t even yours. haha.
If there were a chance girls like I thought about the grossness of you during the act of making love we’d probably vomit, I know I would. No offense or anything but your attitude makes you completely unattractive and it’s obvious you aren’t in real life either and you try to make that up by pretending to be really smart. Which you aren’t and that’s easily seen in your useless posts.
Lets see… At the age of 9 I was determined to have the ability to do college level work and also tested with an IQ of 154. About 3 years ago I had another IQ test (mensa) and tested at 167. Now I do believe I’m smarter than you. Not to mention I won the chess championship both years in junior high and also a spelling contest. Which I “thiink” spelling is something you have a problem with.
P.S. Guys like you can only dream of being with girls like me.
I think you need to redo high school if you think there is an issue with my grammer/spelling.
The average human lives about 75-80 years. You tell me a fifth of that was spent with a girl? I don’t think you started dating her when you were 5 or 6, especially since you said 14. And 4 years is pretty much nothing to me. Give me 10 years and then maybe I’ll care about your little “long-term relationship”.
I said I dated a football player. Who said anything about sex? I think you would have gotten it by now that yeah, I’m not like your girlfriend or any of the friends you have and I don’t sleep with guys just because I date them. Being easy when I was younger? That’s odd… I only lost my virginity a year ago. Explain this being easy thing to me? I think if anyone here is easy it’d be you.
And yes I’m old fashioned. Once again I never stated I slept with anyone. And it’s not normal to want to move out at 16 (according to most psychiatrists) unless you have some sort of family problem. And according to NY state law if you’re 16 you can just move out and live on the streets.
Once again you did, so I’ll just take it as you’re lying. 15+4=19
Actually my boyfriend went to a top tier college for an Engineering degree (I doubt you could get into a top tier LOL!). After finally making a decision I’ll be starting and going for a double major in costume design, medieval/renaissance studies with a minor in fine arts or music industry. And trust me, the people who design the clothing for Star Wars and such obviously make a lot more than you. As I said, try a double major with a minor while working and having a social life. I also considered JHU for biomedical engineering but I’ll leave that stuff for my boyfriend. I’d like to see you even get accepted there or into MIT. I’m also an experienced singer and former model. I almost signed with Ford (one of the top modeling agencies in the world) but decided not to since it’d mess with my education. At least you know I’m not ugly or fat like your trailer trash of a girlfriend.
I think you should also know people over 65 are the only ones with medicare. Shows how bright you are.
My good life has made me happy with my life. Don’t be pissed off at me because you had childhood issues. I didn’t give you your messed up family.
hmm let me think of those people who say “i dont care what other people think!” that is the biggest bull shit i have ever heard in my life and i heard it so many times but it still sounds the same!
it’s a big lie and i never deny that i care what other people think(everybody ,all human race does its called human psychology) i dont rule my life over them but i sure do answer them and care!
and u had many ways of saying i got it all wrong but u chose to bitch at me that proves “how much u dont like fighting with people”about the loser and bitch thing they were the best words i found in dictinory for u.Didnt like them? U pick one ;how about whore? but i’m sure i’m gonna insist on these ones…
and picking up the curse words just fine;i dont use them for everybody but i think u deserved them totally…
and feel special i do care! Nice to make u happy i believe the word u use for it is oww wait yeah got it”charity”
You’re going to criticise my linguistic skills using words like “grossness”? What a farce. Typos happen, but at least I don’t need to make up words to express myself.
And to lay this rediculous point of contention to rest, I will once again tell you that I am 21 and NEVER told you I was 19. My precise words were, “We met when I was 15 and were together for four years.” This means that I was 19 when our relationship ended (we’d had a commitment ceremony as neither of us believed in marriage in the conventional sense, so for all intents and purposes she was my wife). It does NOT mean that I ceased to age at 19 years old. I am 21, and 4 years out of 21 is roughly 1/5. There’s no fine print in my words, so stop presuming that there’s something to read between the lines.
And what’s with this “No offense or anything,” crap? Of course you intend to offend me. Stop pretending like you’re trying to be gallant. It’s insulting to your own supreme intelligect (<—insert sarcastic drawl here).
Your boyfriend sounds just like my dad. He’s an engineer who graduated from MIT with honors and went to work for Hughes Aircraft. He now works for Ratheon or Textron (I’m not precisely sure which as he’s worked at both, and one company bought out the other). But guess what else he has in common with your boyfriend… That’s right, a testosterone imbalance. Mark my words “unbroken”, one day you will know that I was right.
I noticed a little discrepancy in your posts. You claim to be in a long-term relationship, correct (“Actually I have the emotional and financial ability to commit to a long term relationship (as I obviously have”)? Yet you lost your virginity only a year ago(“I only lost my virginity a year ago.”). You’ve made it clear that you had sex with a man prior to your current relationship (“I was with someone I wanted to spend forever with one and who meant [<—Look! A typo! You fucking hypocrite.] a lot to me, we did it everyday…”). And you also mentioned that you’ve only been with your boy for a year (“My love is 23 and didn’t sleep with anyone until he met me at 22…”). Now, keeping all that in mind, can you see where I might be going with this? As I see it, that makes you either a liar (a bad one at that) or a slut (probably both). Looks like you fucked up on this one Munchausen.
Anyway, I’d just like to add that MENSA sucks. It stands for Mediocre Entities with No Social Ability. In short, MENSA is boring (I know this because I am a member). I have opted to join their sister organization as well, DENSA. MENSA parties suck so bad that they give us DENSA members a call to liven things up. So maybe I’ll see you at one of the get-togethers if you’re ever in New England (you wouldn’t even know it was me, and you would want to fuck me;)).
You sure proved me wrong with those degrees though (especially since you haven’t even started apparently [“After finally making a decision I’ll be starting and going for a double major in costume design, medieval/renaissance studies with a minor in fine arts or music industry.”]). You’re looking at a very promising career as a trophy house-wife (that is presuming that even half of what you say is true, which it probably isn’t, but I will at least give you the benefit of the doubt). By your own admission, you’re nothing but a highschool graduate (highschool seeming to be the highlight of your life at age whatever), while I am a college graduate (graduated this year with a 3.2 GPS [not wonderful, but good enough for rock and roll] from Amhurst college in MA, arguably the best liberal arts school in the country). It would appear that as far as education is concerned, I have surpassed you, and done so at an early age (21 in case you forgot).
As for my “troubled childhood”, if you truly had an IQ of 167 then you would likey understand and relate to the problems I had. I was younger than everyone else, didn’t have many friends due to the age variance, and was pressured from all angles to excel academically even though all I wanted to do was play handball with the other kids. I won’t lie to you, I hated school. So I dropped out at 16, got my GED, and now here I am with a BA in philosophy after four years of work (and yes, I did have a job during this time. It’s called investment banking and personal finance, and I assure you, it’s a full-time hell of a job).
Also, I take offense to being called trailor-trash. I’m duplex-trash thank you very much.
And finally, I offer you an opportunity to prove your superior intellect. You mentioned you were good at chess. I am registered with the World Chess Network. I challenge you to a game. Speed chess or standard is fine by me as I am fairly competent at either. Now I’m no Kasparov, or Deep Blue, and I’ve never won any chess tournaments, but I can hold my own. Are you game?
PS: Why would I want to be with a girl who doesn’t put out?
Ohhh, so you’re just an immature 21 year old who can’t keep a wife. So you’re divorced? That’s great at 21.
I added no offense because, well simply because I felt like it. Has nothing to do with intellect.
Once again my boyfriend has no hormone issues. He’s as horny as all of the rest of you mean he just knows how to control it better. (Trust me, I’ve been with him for a while, I think I know how sexual he is.) And most guys with hormone issues probably don’t jerk off more than once a day when they don’t have a girlfriend. Right?
Actrually neither a liar and having been with 2 people that hardly makes me a slut since most of your friends have probably been with 15-20 like the normal human being. I broke up with my ex a few weeks prior to meeting Jeff. I never said we were together a year (birthday’s happen you know, in case you aren’t aware of that). Almost a year but in terms of most people anything over 6 months is a long term or any bit of serious commitment. I just go by what millions of peoples opinions are since most people can’t even keep a relationship going for more than oh lets say 3 months. And the person I was with before I was with for 2 years, then we started having sex and as the story goes, I’ve already explained earlier.
LOL, meant is not a typo. Check the dictionary. Meant in a sentence. “Oh, I meant to do something earlier but I forgot”. Hypocrite? hardly… You’re just an idiot.
Mensa sucks to you because you weren’t accepted in. And if I recall that whole densa joke thing is for idiots. Which would be fitting for you. I bet your IQ is around the same level of our dear president’s George Bush.
You don’t really have a clue how old I am do you? I’m 5 years younger than you, and I’ll be in college doing a double major and a minor before you, huh, look at that. Guess I’ll technically be surpassing you since at 21 I’ll have 2 degrees. I had a 3.9 GPA in high school and my sister who is dumber than a rock has a 3.8 GPA in college. Now I think to myself how dumb you must really be to have a lower GPA than my sister who can’t even do fractions and thinks Brazil is in Africa. As far as your college goes, I could easily go to JHU, MIT, Harvard, etc. and not have to pay for it. So that’s why your petty little accomplishments mean nothing to me.
Ohhh, you’re a real winner. Dropped out of high school because you couldn’t handle it. Pathetic, there’s other ways around that if your brain actually functions correctly. I easily fixed the problem of “I can’t stand teenagers because they act like moronic fools” by becoming homeschooled thus managing a 3.9 GPA all 4 years and not having anyone to bother me. High school dropouts wether gone to college or not = very unattractive. As far as a job goes for me, Bush messed up the economy thus making my life a living hell. I hope the people who voted for this fool drop off the face of the planet.
I didn’t call you trailer trash, I called your girlfriend a fat piece of ugly trailer trash. (wow, that describes most of Texas.) Anyways…
I’m not going all the way to crappy ass Massachusettes for a game of chess. You’ve never won a championship but I have, doesn’t that just say something right there?
P.S. Perhaps someday you’ll see past sex and actually experience that wonderful feeling called “love”.
lol, woops, I retract my earlier statement regaurding your “typo” and insert it here instead: “I think you need to redo high school if you think there is an issue with my grammer[<—Look! A typo! You fucking hypocrite.]/spelling.”
Goddamn that’s funny! You mispelled a word in the very sentence in which you were bragging about your spelling ability! HA! Fucking Christ, that’s rich. Look at it! You mispelled grammar, and it was right next to spelling! Oh man, you make it too easy. Now don’t get me wrong, I mispell all kinds of shit, but I wasn’t bragging about how great I am at it. I really just wish you could hear me laughing. You made my day.
PS: Sorry about this, but Jesus Christ! It’s so God damned funny. Just look at it again… “grammer”… HA! What a lark.
Ohh forgive me, but if I recall you said that “meant” wasn’t a word. God, most 5 year olds understand the word meant. And excuse me for a typo but it’s hard to do 30 million other things while typing to an idiot, so I figured you wouldn’t notice typo’s anyways.
But you made my day too by being 21 and not knowing that “meant” is a word. haha.
The World Chess Network is online and thus you can play from the comfort of your little dark cave where you watch shadows dance across the wall from the light of a fire.
And according to you, your boyfriend “Jeff” is a pedophile. Congratulations. I am very happy for the both of you. And you are still a liar. An impossible one at that. So unless you accept my challenge to play chess, I have nothing more to say to you. Good day 🙂
Now I’m wondering how I’m a liar.
And pedophiles like girls are that oh say 7 or 8. Plus I look and act about 21, so that’s about what matters.
Why are you arguing over who has better morals than the other? Why are you arguing over who has a better life? So what if she slept around? So what if he’s got a kid? Goddamn.
What the hell do you two have to prove to each other?
As for you Scarletangel. First off, I wasn’t bitching. I was merely stating what you did wrong. Kill me for it.
Second, if I did care what other people thought, I wouldn’t open my mouth. I’d still be the same kid I was five years ago.
Third.. sure. I’m a whore. Suddenly you know everything about my sex life.
And two words that describe me: sarcastic, intelligent.
And please, spare me the drama. I don’t want to get into a pointless fight with you. Just let it go, take the insult, swallow it, and get on with your damned life.
And you two [Mannequin, and unbroken], be a little adult. Quit the childish bickering.
Nothing’s wrong. I needed a little entertainment. And at least my self esteem level went up a few points. lol.
Intoxication, you wouldn’t happen to be english would you?
I’m mostly english and people who know me offline (I’m 20x different offline than online surprisingly) say that it’s the english that makes me sarcastic and intelligent. So I was just wondering.
I also have the luxery of being related to the virgin queen, Queen Elizabeth I. But my love is for the Tudor era, But I guess technically I’d still be related to Mary Tudor if they both had the same father. :oD! But I still love Shakespeare.
For “Intoxication”. I do not have a kid. I never said that I did. Again, a poor assumption. And my life is difficult, not great. I struggle for what I have, and have earned every inch. So as far as having the easier life is concerned, I lose. My morality has never been in question either. I am an honorable man. I know this, as do the people around me. If my sex drive is to doom me to hell then so be it. I will not lie about what I feel and who I am to appear acceptable in the eyes of strangers that I will never meet and in the end mean nothing to me. As for what I “have to prove”… All I was trying to prove really is that men do listen. I think I have accomplished such (and proven that young girls are impossible to reason with in the process[if she indeed is a young girl]). I also think that “unbroken” wanted to prove that she was better than me for some reason (I fail to understand how being better than someone you consider to be subhuman is any form of accomplishment, but to each his own). I try not to make a habit out of debating morality with those who believe themselves to be infallible, but occasionally it is unavoidable (especially with people who prefer to win rather than be correct). As it stands, I am willing to end this farce believing what I want to believe and she believing what is wrong, or with a game of chess. Either way is as good as the other.
oh i like the words u picked they made me laugh!!!
u r so intelligent. as for the sarcastic yeah be what u wanna be u will allways be the person who everybody else claims u to be and i dont think they will be lying
i m bored with u anyways just have a god damn life where u will always be the loser of the town
ps; caring and being the slave of other peoples thougts are two different things
so long bitchy
Mannequin needs a life. You are not an honorable man and I had to laugh at that. You failed at the men do listen part, but you proved the point that people have known for centuries and that’s men always have to win and be right or there is no shutting them up. As for me, I give up, most women do eventually since men seem to be the most stubborn creatures existing. Also, you believe as you please but I highly doubt what I believe is in any way incorrect. From what you have told me you have a lot to learn about life. And alls I had done mostly was simply show you that you aren’t God and that there are a lot of people in the world who are simply a lot better than you are. Stay in school, I’m not going to listen to anything you say after finding out you have a 3.2 GPA. Shows how much intelligence you have right there. Especially since its a 3.2 in a philosophy degree.
Anyways, I have a life so I need to go have fun with that. Mannequin I hope you have one someday, they are indeed enjoyable.
I’m listening.
Unbroken, I doubt you should be telling someone else who they are or what their characteristics are. He could be honorable, and from personal experience, he does seem to listen to what people have to say.
And I’m not a man, nor am I English, but I’m just about as stubborn as him.
It’s also not very nice to make fun of someone’s grades or accomplishments. I certainly don’t have a GPA near that, and most of my teachers consider me one of the brightest kids in the class. You don’t know what others have been through to get where they are now. You can’t judge them because of what you’ve heard, you’d have to literally watch a re-run of their life.
Mannequin. I never read all of the postings from you two. I just read clips. And even if you don’t have a kid, what would it matter if you did? That’s pretty much my point. Nothing matters, in this scenario. You’re both two complete strangers who have a bit of an inflated ego and neither one of you are just letting it slide.
Scarlet. Uhm. I will always be what other people claim me to be. So, lets say that this statement is true in all aspects of life.
This is what I would be, which is ALL completely the opposite of what I really am: I am a stupid Jew, I eat cats, I’m a whore[or slut], I have no personality, I’m always serious, I’m nasty, I’m a Spic, oh… and I’m a lesbian.
So. That’s what other people tell me I am, so therefore it MUST be true. Of course, they’d know me better than I would know myself, or better than my own friends would know. Excellent point Scarlet. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go be the loser of the town.
Oh yeah. Happy New Year everyone.
Your friend,
The lesbian-cat-eating-Jewish-Spanish-whoreish-groteque loser of the town lacking a personality.
I think that the problem is that “unbroken” equates good grades in school with intelligence, and a life of ease with accomplishment. But whatever, without pain there could be no pleasure, and thus I am better off having overcome adversity to earn my way. I once said something similar about love. My precise words being, “Love is only worth anything because it is temporary. It’s like a gambling addiction that never goes away. If it wasn’t for the huge possibility of loss, the gains would seem trivial.”
Anyway, it’s 3:30 in the damn morning and I’ve been drinking since New Year’s Eve.
A hole of troubles a mile deep,
a curtain call to this day’s regime.
And so I lay me down to sleep,
for what solace I may find in dream.
Good night.
PS: You think I have only a BIT of an inflated ego? lol
u keep saying u dont care but u just cant shut the fuck up
well just shut up if u want me to go
and u said u didnt care then stop caring bitchy!!!
Come on. This fight’s not even interesting. It’s like,
“You’re stupid.”
“No, YOU’RE stupid.”
“Shut up!”
“No, YOU shut up!”
And I don’t even know what the fight’s about. Do either of you really feel that insulted?
Alright, today this just got annoying.
When I read your posts all I saw was “blah blah blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda”. Please, continue on.
Now how do I get this thing to stop emailing me. hmmm.
Oh and temporary love is never real love. The search in finding love I guess is the addiction and a painful addiction at that, I’d rather be a cocaine addict. No one has patience anymore.
And just think, back in the 16th century they considered it foolish to marry for love.
I hope you three have fun talking to yourselves. This just became stupid.
Maybe you have the language settings wrong?
Mannequin, I don’t feel insulted at all. I just think it’s retarded that this person thinks what people say about you must be true. And I also just think he’s just plain retarded, not because of his typing.
Also, I said just a BIT inflated because I didn’t want to start a fight with either you or her because one of you might feel insulted. But hey, I guess you have an enormously inflated ego then. That better, or closer to the truth?
Scarlet. I love you. Happy?
She might be happy now, Intoxication..
Now back to my 16th century corset sewing. :o)
You’ll note a small box located below the posting dialogue with the caption, “Notify me when someone replies to this post?” Perhaps you should have thought to uncheck the box prior to making your posts, or not provided your personal email account. I guess foresight isn’t a common trait in supra-geniuses. Actually, that’s unfair of me. Common sense is more the product of experience than intelligence.
“Enormously inflated ego” is more like it. I certainly wouldn’t fight you over it. There’s no point in fighting the truth.
Hmm, yes, but I indeed believe I unchecked the god darn thing. And yet you’re yapping again. *sigh* And if your common sense actually “existed” you would see that I haven’t allowed my e-mail to be shown so I don’t understand your point with that. Anyways, you? common sense? hahaha, what an oxymoron.
I think some of you are right with the love can’t be stopped thing. It’s like no matter what one person does or has done to you, if you really love them it will never fade. I don’t think you can force yourself to actually “fall” for someone but you can make yourself believe that you did. I have always been told that nothing or no one is worth getting hurt over and you have to realize when it’s time to let it all go. No matter how much you want something, you can’t always afford it. But love can be as real or fake as make it. The thing I don’t understand is how when you do “fall” in love how the hell do you split the real feelings from the ones you forced yourself to have.
I think some of you are right with the love can’t be stopped thing. It’s like no matter what one person does or has done to you, if you really love them it will never fade. I don’t think you can force yourself to actually “fall” for someone but you can make yourself believe that you did. I have always been told that nothing or no one is worth getting hurt over and you have to realize when it’s time to let it all go. No matter how much you want something, you can’t always afford it. But love can be as real or fake as make it. The thing I don’t understand is how when you do “fall” in love how the hell do you split the real feelings from the ones you forced yourself to have.
I think some of you are right with the love can’t be stopped thing. It’s like no matter what one person does or has done to you, if you really love them it will never fade. I don’t think you can force yourself to actually “fall” for someone but you can make yourself believe that you did. I have always been told that nothing or no one is worth getting hurt over and you have to realize when it’s time to let it all go. No matter how much you want something, you can’t always afford it. But love can be as real or fake as make it. The thing I don’t understand is how when you do “fall” in love how the hell do you split the real feelings from the ones you forced yourself to have.
why the hell I sent that three times I don’t know. I’m sorry though. For those who care.
Did you have to post that 3 times? You’re filling up my inbox and it’s annoying.
And love isn’t ever real until you find your twin flame and most never do so they live their lives settling with something that’s untrue all because they have no patience with life and they are too ignorant to see what’s actually going on.
But if you wait you may never find your “true” love. I would rather live believing I love someone then knowing I may have the wrong one.
You do realize that made no sense? Chances are if you are in love it’s pretty much fake. Regaurdless of what one feels and thinks at a certain time there is a 99% chance that isn’t your twin flame. And personally, I would rather be alone than have a fake love. And as far as quotes go “a watched pot never boils.” Keep searching and you’ll never find.
and I said I was sorry so don’t fucking bitch
Yes well, I didn’t get that until after I posted that so don’t be a “bitch” about it.
And the creativity soars.
ummm, ok……………..
For “unbroken”
Teenage angst is funny. Anyway, to clarify my previous statements, I will dumb them down for you “unbroken” as you seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension. I mentioned the check box located below. I said that you should have taken that little box into consideration BEFORE you made your posts. That means before ANY posts! I never said that it could be undone now did I? As for your email, you’ve obviously provided this site with your personal email account (hence the moronic bitching). I never said that you made it publicly known did I? You just filter out every other word or something when you read don’t you? Well let me be the first to tell you that you suck at speed reading. You should stop trying. It’s ruining your illusion of cognitive reason.
For someone so “gifted”, the powers that be certainly haven’t provided you with much in the way of charisma or ettiquette. It’s girls with your attitude that makes men misogynistic. If it’s your goal to completely alienate everyone around you, then please continue along your chosen path.
And what the hell do you know about love? You’ve been with a guy nearly 150% your age for a mere 6 months. What qualifies you to define love? Who are you to pass judgement on others? And the odds of finding your “soulmate” (if such a thing exists) is about 1/6,000,000,000, not 1%. You probably don’t even speak the same language. For all you know, “MorbidlyBeautifulSoul” could be your soulmate (no offense, just using you as an example), and that dream now lay shattered by one uneccessarily hostile comment.
Frankly, if I had an IQ of 167 I would not be wasting my time pissing off the online community. I would try to do something of worth like seeking a functional method of implementing a global altruistic government (even just plain altruism would be pretty bitchin’). But instead you’ve chosen to throw your life away making costumes for the Rennaissance Fair. What a joke. Why don’t you go try to find people more like yourself. People who live in castles, have IQs all in the genius range, are all so beautiful as to blind the rest of the world with their radiance, who all have perfect relationships with their absolute soulmates and their families, and sing like a choir of sirens rivaling the very voice of God himself with their beauty, and all work for modeling agencies posing on the covers of every magazine across the world, and will one day all be famous thespians that Shakespeare once upon a time dreamt would one day act in his plays, and know all the answers to the universe’s most arcane secrets, because you’re obviously much too good to hang out with us and shoot the shit.
So, to sum up the situation; I don’t like you. I’m sure others feel the same. As far as I can tell, you have no reason to be here other than to make people not like you. You will continue recieving emails from this bulletin board until you cancel your email account and make a new one. Love is cube and no matter how much you pound on it, it will not fit through the circular hole. And most importantly, you’re just a young girl, and you have no concept of how the world beyond your ivory tower functions. You can stop playing dress up, because those clothes will fit eventually, even if it’s not the way you expected.
For “MorbidlyBeautifulSoul”
I think that E.A.Poe once said this, but I’m not sure, and I’m going to get the exact wording wrong anyway, so fuck it, here it goes: “Almost all marriages are mistakes, because it is almost certain that there is someone in the world that would better suit you.” I suppose it all comes down to whether you are a glass half full or half empty kind of person.
I have more to say on the matter, but I’ve been sleepless and drunk for days. I’ll finish tomorrow if you’re at all curious.
Mannequin, lol. No I understand, it’s called being a sarcastic bitch for pure entertainment. Wow, you’re the dumb one and obviously don’t know when people are trying to screw with you. *sigh* I keep forgetting you have a GPA of 3.2 translates into a 98 IQ. My bad.
I can say something about love since I was with someone for over 2 years, with another person for over a year before that, and with another person for almost a year (and it’s obviously not going to end). I know more about having a successful relationship than most people. And no guy has ever “dumped” me. It’s called knowledge and experience. Thus why I know. And I never was with anyone for 6 months? 6 month isn’t much but I don’t think you know that. And who judged anyone? If anyones judging anyone it’s you judging me because whenever you say something about my life you are always completely off. You’re twin flame (not soul mate, people have a lot of soul mates) always are the same nationality as you and of opposite gender. So maybe morbidlybeautiful is my soul mate, people have more than 1. You’re true love is the “twin flame” not the soul mate. Friends are considered soul mates. People have mixed this up for oh let’s say, centuries.
Lol, who is to say I don’t do anything with my brain? I’m an intellectual genius as well as an artistic genius and well, I’d rather paint a million dollar painting than sit around talking politics all day. A matter of preference I guess and probably why I’m not going to MIT or JHU. And who said anything about renaissance faires? I haven’t been to one in my life, nor would I probably ever go to one. I dress in historic clothing (specifically Tudor era) simply because it’s what I find to be beautiful and since most of the women in the world are dressing like skanks I can go outside of it and pretend for a little while that indeed the world is “right” again.
Do you have a jealousy issue?
Do you think I care if you like me? No, you’re an online freak who likes to always be right so goes on and on with shit for day while I simply respond to your petty posts out of pure entertainment (even though this is getting quite annoying). I probably have a lot more friends than you could ever dream of and I seem to be able to make a new one everyday. People like me but you don’t. Boohoo, I’m going to go cry now.
“Love is cube and no matter how much you pound on it, it will not fit through the circular hole.” Whats your point? Don’t post things without a very visable point or else it’s just plain funny.
I have no clue about the world? I think at the age of 11 I had more insight than you do at the age of 21. Personally, if you didn’t say you were 21 I would think you were about 14 (but it’s the internet so there is a good chance you are and everything you’ve said is a lie). And because most of what you are saying is probably a lie and fake I’m just not even going to open the emails. It’s pointless. I truely believe you are really 14 so don’t argue me with it, you don’t have to hide it anymore. It’s just the overwhelming ignorance and you are so naive.
“You can stop playing dress up, because those clothes will fit eventually, even if it’s not the way you expected.” Once again, don’t say things without a point that goes alone with it.
Anywho, I’m done with the 14 year iold boy with no pubic hair. So type away your millions of words hoping I read it because that’s how pathetic you truely are.
himm i guess i m learning not to care
i just couldnt read all that…sorry
please for the last time bye hope i never see u again and so on…
main thing is
hmm i read the part mannequin wrote and the answer is i just liked playing with her mind she is boring and i think she should think better before she says something rude to someone else
and i m not a he!
hmm i read the part mannequin wrote and the answer is i just liked playing with her mind she is boring and i think she should think better before she says something rude to someone else
and i m not a he!
Wow. She’s calling you pathetic for reading and typing, yet she does the same.
Well, I guess then everyone except the illiterate are pathetic. Go us.
Just a point, if she indeed had an IQ of 167, then I doubt she would flaunt it. Smart people understand what jealousy and noteriety are. And making it seem as if you are better than everyone else brings you just that. Also, if that is her actual IQ, she would have understood those two lines you wrote[about the clothing and the cube]. I understood them the first time I read them, and I’m POSITIVE my IQ isn’t that high.
Then again an IQ is just a measure of how well you learn. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re smarter than the person labeled with a 103.
“You’re twin flame (not soul mate, people have a lot of soul mates) always are the same nationality as you and of opposite gender. ”
What is this? That means I have to go marry a freakin’ Egyptian man? That’s awful! What if I like Russians? Damn you!
Mannequin… let’s go get married. We can be soul mates for four days in Vegas. I’m up for a road trip.
For “unborken”-
You use the word “obviously” too often. There’s nothing abvious about anything that’s been said because OBVIOUSLY it could all be lies (and before you get all uppity and defensive, it’s because you are an anomynous entity and can say whatever you want online ragardless of it’s validity). The only thing that can truly be known for certain based upon the information provided is that we both know a little something about the English language, I know who Baron Munchausen is, and you are an impossibly uncharismatic human being. Now go away, or I will sick “Sinder Velvin” on this bulletin board, and I assure you that you will not appreciate it (don’t believe me? ask “MorbidlyBeautifulSoul” about him)
For “Intoxication”-
He he he. Sounds good. But first let me tell you a little about myself so you know what you’re getting into ;). I’m 21, I’m a raving drunk, a misogynist, I live in my own home with four cats and a party that just won’t seem to go away. I like watching movies, I’m tall and skinny (6’3″ 140lbs), devilishly good looking (OBVIOUSLY!), half Italian and half Nordic, smarter than your average bear, and I don’t date any women younger than 18 (there’s too much growth that needs to happen and too much prison time associated with young girls). I sound like a catch don’t I? lol
For “MorbidlyBeautifulSoul”-
I’ve been around alot, and I’ve loved alot of people. The people that I meet adrift the sea that is my life are imperfect beauties. Beautiful BECAUSE of their imperfections, not despite them. Within each of them I find aspects of myself and of an ideal that I keep in my mind of who I want to be with. Collectively, all these people combine into that ideal, and there more people I let into my life the closer I come to finding that one true love. The difficulty is to not confuse an aspect of an ideal with the whole thing. Perhaps it is difficult for some to accept, but the odds of finding a single person who reflects all aspects of your ideal are like finding a penny from the 1700’s buried in the Saharah Desert. But the odds of finding your ideal scattered within the minds and bodies and souls of the people around you are much better. So ask yourself, would you prefer all or nothing, or as close as you can get to having that certain somebody. I personally would prefer not to waste my life pining over something that may not exist.
Maybe you are ready but he isn’t. Everyone has hopes and dreams of what they will do when they are older. He might want to sleep with other women, party a lot, be in a band, travel everywhere and just be a teen for awhile. Getting married too soon will just make him dislike you. It happens. Without you either accepting an open lifestyle so he still gets what he wants out of life or letting him go off on his own, if you try to force him into a dosile relationship, because of your “love” he’ll hate you. I think you deserve it.