By endlesspain_and_sorrow
i cant take this anymore she says as the blood trickles down her body,
it washes away the pain sucked deep inside of her
whispers calling her name beckoning for her to jump
jump into the darkness of the black sea below her
its as black as that suit u ware to her funeral
still tainted with the blood of her the ocean weaves its lies
its calling to her in sweet whispers it wants her it craves her
oh how it needs her
you walk to the coffin still in that black suit
you say your goodbyes but yet u never cry
u are the sea
you are the liar
you only wanted wat u could never have
now ur tainted with her blood
still fresh on your sleeve
your tainted with her screams
full of agony.
yet you never cry as u still weave the lies
yet you never cry as you whisper your sweet treachery
yet u never cry as the blood taints you
you are the black sea
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