WARNING FROM THE GET GO!!!This article contains the word fuck a few fucking times, so if you are offended by the word fuck you had better fuck off now and read no fucking further!
You can not have the right to deem yourself fucked up, others must tell you that you are fucked up. Judging yourself to be fucked up is saying that you are not fucked up because if you were fucked up you would be in no condition to say that you are fucked up. Getting others to judge if you are fucked up is also fucked up because they may be too fucked up to perceive the truth. Its best to not trust their fucked up perceptions only your own fucked up perceptions. Saying that you aren’t fucked up is fucked up, for you have to be fucked up to say you aren’t fucked up because you said that you aren’t fucked up when everyone around you knows that you are fucked up, that’s fucked up. If you say that someone is fucked up say it with a smile, for if they appear to be fucked up, you know that you are fucked up. Best not to trust your fucked up perceptions for you and I both know that ou are fucked up. When those around you seem normal be aware that you all may be so fucked up that the things around you may seem normal when they are actually fucked up. If you think that you are fucked up, you know you are fucked up, but to realize that you are fucked up is to know you aren’t fucked up, and to know that you are not fucked up is to know that you are fucked up…Well, that’s it for now, do let me know what you think.
That’s fucked up.
Something to fucking think about!
now i know you’re fucked up 🙂
I do have to say that its fucked up. but ill have to get back to you when i figure out what your getting at.
now, u c, i’m fucked up. I know this cuz, basically, i absentmindedly send offf a radar of fuckuppishness which non-fucked up people seem to take as a warning of ‘get the fuck out of my way’, and they avoid me. Plus, all of my fucked up stalker friends seem normal to me, which means i’m one of them.
Well thats a fucking fine how the fuck are you? But I think I’m fucking fine……..hehe…fire…….