Im falling in…..

Sometime,within all of our years of dying, there comes a ‘ being ‘, a soul, that will enrapture you completely!

Without your control.
This poem was written for me.

And I’m falling……
To where?
I really don’t know,
because its out of my control.
I would like to share it with

Impaled upon the hoards, grazing cattle.
Horns thrust unto thee and through thee.
The best of them lapping at the wounds they inflict.
Incumbent upon thee to shed shrouds of pale ignorance.
Accepting, with haste, mine own demise.
for only at the end of this can it begin.
Oh, sultry clouds of cloven hooves.
Beating heavily upon thee with such glorious affection.
Bruising thee.
Mangling thee in thou bottomless fondness.
Thou art my own heart, mine own breath.
Groveling I beg of thee come hither.
Such richness, thine foulest, contemptuous river.
for thee, unending sour.

I’ve shared this with you all because you’ve seemed like, like minded, intelligent individuals. Which I hold to the highest regard.
With this, I ask for your thoughts.

Categorized as death

By XxsyclexX

making fun of myself. making fun of goths. making fun of ravers who think they are goth, HA! Loving Daddy. Living in my dream world of tears.