In a better world…

They talked as they walked through the night. Persistent to the end his friend would question the actions he had taken over the last few weeks.

The isolation he endured cornered by his demons in the darkness of his soul was something he forced on himself. The demons that dwelt in that darkness had taken rout beyond remembrance. Such demons defined his characteristics rather the up bringing and tender love and care but he could not allow them to defeat him.
The newest of the scars he was ashamed of, he thought he was beyond all that and tried to hide it from his friend despite knowing that had his friend seen it knowing where it came from he simply wouldn’t care. Such thoughts drove him to that exile. Night after night he would lay there, tossing and turning alone tormented with thoughts of death, of final freedom.
He felt shame that all he wanted to do is run away and find any comfort he could muster but his friends refused to fill that gap in. Seeing his friend again reminded him of the darkness and he remembered of all he had hoped to achieve, and failed.

In a better world he could pay back the debt of gratitude to his parents.
In a better world he would not have lost those dear to him.
In a better world his sister would not be so scared by those men when she was so innocent.
In a better world he would be able to guide and support his friends.
In a better world he could live up to all expectations.
In a better world he could admit to who he really was.

This isn’t a better world. This is all there is. Oaths bind me to this world, to this life. My dreams will remain just that forevermore.

By The Evil Cheezman

Purveyor of sacred truths and purloined letters; literary acrobat; spiritual godson of Edgar Allan Poe, P.T. Barnum, and Ed Wood; WAYNE MILLER is the head architect of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, serving up the finest in entertainment and edification for the stage, the page, and the twain screens, silver and computer. He is the axe-murderer who once met Andy Griffith.