In Difference (de form)

Call me different
Call me a freak. I will thank you for it. In a world where we are rape the needy and destroy the innocent, who would want to be called normal anyway.

We are supposedly too poor to feed those in poverty, those who need it. But hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on bombs destroying life. Sounds a bit like we are playing god here. If so call me a heretic, because I would never kneel to a deity that sick. No matter how twisted I am, I still have compassion.

I was 16 last year. I still am. I left half way through school. I fell in love. I lost my virginity. I became a manic depressive. I started taking drugs heavily. The list goes on. I thought I had problems. I was wrong. I am a problem. A burden to this already overpopulated oversized spinning hole.

But right now is completely and utterly fucked. Think about how right now is going to look in the history books.

I laugh with the jesters at the kings.


  1. you know, it’s sounds like you have a tough life. hey, i have an idea. KILL YOUSELF. you sound like you think of yourself as a pimple on society’s, ass. and it’s an ass that sucks anyway. so why don’t you just pop yourslf and let the white juices flow over the hairy curve of it. how ungrateful are you to shake a finger at society,. which gave you life. here’s a free tip: if you don’t like it, change it. if you can’t change it, find someone who can. and if you don’t care enopugh to change it, them shut your fucking hole and get in line, because his march isnt’ stopping for quite a while

  2. Mors
    u sound like a very bitter human being
    who enjoys fucking up everybody who feels
    what the fuck is your story

  3. freeck,
    don*t listen to mors. don*t kill yourself. Only cowards do that. It*s the “easiest” way out. Well someone once said, well actually I got the quote from a Bazooka gum wrapper, but nonetheless, “The easiest way to do something is WRONG!” I hope you understand.

  4. unkept,
    i’m simply saying that complaining and excuses get nothing accomplished. i wasn’t seriously suggesting that freeck you kill him/herself, but if all one can do is whine about it, why bother? i have no story. well, maybe i do. i was raised by a pig farmer in scotland who found me as an infant in a barn which had caught fire and was being observed by aliens that were studying me. his wife was a french-indian-somolian by the name of “ughn” with two different colored eyes and 6 fingers on each hand. we never had money, and i was used to being beaten and locked in the shed forhours on end when i wouldn’t do everything right. at the age of 16 i left that little farm and sailed to america where i started working in a zoo and undertook the project of teaching sign language to reptiles. in less than three years i had achieved success, and pattented my techniques. i took a wife, jennifer, a midget who had only one leg, and we live happily to this day.


    anti, i like the quote.

  5. hahaha

    please don’t take this as an offence mors, it just makes me laugh: Is it not a contradiction in terms for you to tell me to stop complaining, when all you are doing is complaining about my complaints?

    Other than that I completely agree with your argument. Those who just sit with all their complacence and let the tyrants rule are almost as bad as those who like to call themelves normal. In most cases they are both the same.

    If something upsets you, why not do something about it. I have tried to vent my anger and depression, but usually in the wrong ways. So thank you. You are obviously a non conformist and I praise you for that. The world will never have more people like you.

  6. very well, freeeeeeck.

    danke danke danke!

    i’m glad some people can tell when they get struck by reality. i’m only kidding; and no offense taken.

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