Bayne sat in his throne of tangible gloom, drifting lifeless through the Demi-Plane of Darkness.
“Why must conflict exist? Why cannot there not be a Single Truth. A single way? Peace… Ha… They all crave it, yet desire their conflicts more. There is only one way to have peace. I will show them.”
He turned to the swirling masses of negative context, willing them to form a specific image.
“Oh, Infinite Eye, show me my thoughts…”
An image formed, dipicting a scene with two people sitting alone somewhere without description.
“You’ll never understand.” The voice was a male’s, he spoke with a tone of sad conviction.
“You never give me a chance!” It was a female’s voice, and she was pleading with him.
“I know. I won’t let you have the chance. The less you know about me, the less you have to use against me.” He had shifted in his seat, turning his back to her.
“How lonely you must be. Wrapped up in your paranoia and insecurity. Do they bring you peace? Comfort?” She was being sarcastic and condesending. Bad move.
He turned to her with a snap, “You have no fucking idea, got it? You’ve had everything handed to you. Every whim of yours satisfied by those around you. They couldn’t bare to see a beautiful and loving person like you suffer. Oh no. You’ll never understand, not because I won’t let you, but simply because you lack what it takes to understand darkness.” The man got up and left. The girl looked after him, it seemed she might follow him. But she hesitated, and he was gone. She sat alone, and her sobs could be heard quietly…
“Hmph. How long ago was that? A year? Two?”
Bayne sighed, banishing the image of the crying girl with a wave of his hand.
Bayne sat alone for a while longer, his thoughts lingering in his past. “I wonder where she is now?” He reached up and stroked his chin, pondering. “I shouldn’t… it’s a waste of time. That life is over, done with.”
Very slowly, his eyebrow raised. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”
He focused again on the Infinite Eye. The shade in front of Bayne began to clear away, and he could begin to make out the face of the girl.
He smiled softly. “It’s been so long…”
He continued to watch her, and what she was doing. He wasn’t sure, and he focused on the sounds around her. When he did so, it wasn’t too hard to figure it out. He could hear her moaning softly, and the view centred on her beautiful face began to zoom out, revealing her naked body stratling the rugged body of a man. She was bouncing up and down, riding his cock, her eyes rolled back into her skull as she pumped the stranger for everything she had.
Bayne simply stood there, staring. He watched her fuck another man, until they climaxed in their escatsy.
The image began to slowly dissolve, leaving Bayne alone, once again. His head tilted to the side slightly, and his body began to vibrate. The Demi-Plane of Darkness could feel his hate, anger, and jealousy, all frothing to his surface. But just as it reached the point of no return, everything stopped.
Bayne’s face was hard and expressionless, save for the crooked smirk that began to form on his lips.