inside out

Controling my movements every last one

controling everything until its all been done

pushing the limit , bending the rules

standing back looking at all the fools

falling behind, cant understand why

no other feelings except the feeling to cry

giving up on what was never started before

going out through a never entered door

getting stopped before you ever pushed play

having night before there was day

you switch everything and make it all wrong

you extend short into long

you turn the inside out and the outside in

with you one can simply not win

i dont understand and i may never

thought i wanted to be with you forever

wish i didnt have to look at you

didnt have the courage to follow through

must live with these marks i cant deny

these ones that im not able to hide

you made my childish smile a frown

you turned my world upside down

you were using me you knew it all along

i thought i loved you i was wrong

By raven_lostchild

im 14 and stuck in a town where everyone is a racist or just an asshole...therefore life pretty much sucks. but other than that my fav. bands are such as kiTTie, gODHEAD, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Soil, Coal Chamber, Rob Zombie, Crossbreed, Hatebreed