I watch you all fly by.
I never knew that this manner of life could be so…..
So devastating!
It doesnt end!
It wont end!
I cant make it.
I wish i could take it on myself!
I try to only to have people tell me not to!
I always thought i could get over it.
But the depression was to much!
I have the chance.
The gun is loaded and ready.
Why am I going to do this?
I have asked myself that question for my whole life!
This life is full of Bull Shit!
I cant take it anymore.
The trigger moves as the blast comes and goes quickly!
My body hits the floor hard.
I lay there.
She comes in and screams.
She is the only one that cared!
She cries for the great lose that has come.
With my last little bit of life i reached to her.
She took my hand and held it in hers.
It went limp as did the rest of my body.
Its over!
Never to start again.
Or so i think………….