it was all a dream

i fell asleep
and began to dream
in it i took all the dirty words
and scrubbed them clean.

then i could use them
whenever i pleased
when im feeling controversial
and i am subject to be teased.
i could say fuck-off
you stupid bitch
just because im not a whore like you or fucking rich
im not a comformistist sheep
i cant afford the shit you’ve got
so get the fuck over it
go run and hide you stupid cunt
watch it here it comes…a homicydal fit
you’re at the top of my list
and i wont kill you pretty
ill tear you apart with a fork
isnt life shitty
thats when i woke up
god dammit what the fuck
why’d it have to be a dream…
thats my shitty luck.

By blood flavored ice

my name is kiley. but i prefer erniy and yes. i am a girl. people think i am happy go lucky. sweet. shy. quiet. and rich. but really i am none of these if u truli kno me.