“sometimes… i think of just stopping” said Jordan daised and uncleer. She knew why she was there, and that she couldn’t stop herself from being there. She also knew, that the chair she was sitting in bore her raw in-human soul, and she had no choice but to pour her heartl out to this, in lack of better words, stranger.
“stoping what” the shrink returned, in an almost concerned volger voice. She hated that voice… the voice of false understanding.
“just stopping my breath from filling my lungs, and feel my bady scream for air… and let myself die.” Her words echoed in her own ears as bidder sweet truth.
The shrink, stunned brushed back his gray hair, and began fondaling his large, thick glasses in his aged palm.
“Why would you think of something like that… I know death seems almost glamerious to you young people…”
“thats because it is… you spend your whole life living so that you can die. Death is the ultimate life, and in turn life is the ultimate death.” Jordan inturrupted due to the astounding fact that she was right. ” and what if i stopped… who would care.. you.. (ha)… to you i am just another phyco… comming to you for help, listen doc… i know what my illness is… the ever long and painful plauge… LIFE.”
scraching is head, with mouth open, was the shrink. He knew that there was no helping her… she was far beyond anyone pacient that he had ever met with. ” ummm… you must live… you haven’t even experenced life yep… and already want to die.”
“BULLSHIT!” Jordan now enraged leaped up from the exposing chair and began wildly screaming ” I don’t even know what my dark reality from my FUCKED dreams.” Jordans face red, and wet with tears… two prison guards came running into the room… tring to supress the the wild teen from the shrink’s distruction… and her own. The needle was drawn and rudly enjected into Jordan.
Her arms being held by one guard on eachside, she fell to her knees in weak dying sobbs.
“just let me stop… just let me stop” Then a mumble, then peaseful, blissful, slumber.
She was dragged back to her cell, number 245AD. Her her weekly visit was finished.
I am tring to write some what a series… so if everyone hates this… Ill stop…
lonley forever,