First darkness so complete
Darker than black–Heavy as concrete
A feeling of falling–Dropping below
Knowledge gained by what I feel, not what I know
Then in the distance of the black tunnel
A small light gathers creating a funnel
Falling and Falling–Faster and Faster
Darker and Darker–Paler is my palor
I reach the light –Ever so bright
Hit the ground: Everything’s white
Rising, I look around…Now I see
It is time for God to judge me
I stand as Judgement begins His case
But hearing my Sins–we stand not face to Face
For I can not bear to see His disapproval
Knowing full well the consequence of dismissal
I drop to my knees to beg forgiveness
Not to be Damned to Eternal Darkness
I plead, I cry, I wail, and I pray
His answer: You should have done this before Judgement Day