Steam rose up in gray mists amongst the darkness of the night; the gray cloudy water was smooth like glass. The air was fresh with a strong pine scent, although it was autumn most people wouldn’t dare enter the hot springs with the crisp air especially at midnight.
There was a large boulder that was indented from the steamy water cascading down into a semi-circle of smooth stones that held in the fallen water. At the opening the stream met, going deeper into the forest where no one else dare enter-for people who have gone deep into the woods were never seen again.
The people of the small town were all nestled warmly under their covers, in the safety of their homes. But what they did not know was what was roaming around in the death of night, hiding in the safety of the dark forest; waiting patiently for the next victim.
In the far end of the town, where a few new houses were being built, a young teenager of eighteen awoke with a start. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and upper lip; his heart beating rapidly in his chest. His bright blue eyes darted back and forth around his room as if searching for someone lurking in the darkness; but there was no one. He allowed himself to laugh quietly before he felt that he was not alone. He shot upright in his bed almost immediately; he could feel someone watching him from the corner of his eye, yet he could not see anyone. He stood up slowly, walking towards his window; he pulled open the blinds and peered outside; nothing there. He shook his head at his foolishness, certainly there wouldn’t be anyone spying on him! He shut the blinds, allowing himself to walk sluggishly towards his bed where he fell face first into his pillow.
A loud whisper in a different language caused him to sit up again, he reached for the light on his night table when he heard the whisper again; he froze as his blinds shot up revealing a mist of smoke and a figure. As he watched, it seemed that the figure was beckoning him to follow. Without thinking he walked towards his window.
Though the figure had disappeared he could still hear the whispers coming from in front of him, so he continued on without stopping. Once he reached the edge of the forest he looked around as if looking for something; the whispers came again with a sort of desperateness. He continued to walk into the forest until he reached the heart. He quietly approached the springs, squinting in the darkness, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Suddenly, the moon became uncovered revealing a figure that stood behind the waterfall; a hand shot through the waterfall beckoning him to come closer with the index finger, and then the hand disappeared. Willingly he walked closer to the springs until he reached the edge of the rocks, as soon as he reached the rocks the figure emerged from the waterfall. Her light brown skin was wrapped in red silk draped over her shoulders and tied at the waist; there was a long slit that cascaded down until the waist; she had long chocolate brown hair, and bright violet blue colored eyes. His heartbeat quickened at the sight of her, she stood in the middle of the semi-circle staring at him with a shy smile across her face. She held out her hand to him and he reached out to take her hand; she pulled him in with her and behind the waterfall where her secret lair was hidden. It was a long tunnel, turns here and there he wondered how she knew where she was going with so many turns.
Finally, he could see flickering light at the end of tunnel; they reached a small chamber that was completely made out of rock, yet there were no edges that stuck out, it was all smooth to the touch. He allowed himself to run his hands over the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling (which he could reach). The girl had disappeared, and the entrance that they had come through had also disappeared. His pulse quickened as he looked around in fright. Suddenly the room became pitch black, he walked to the end of the room where his back touched the wall; he slid down until he reached the floor.
A flicker of light appeared from the other corner of the room and he started to walk towards it, there was a large canopy bed covered in black satin; he approached the bed nervously and allowed himself to peak in the opening. There was the girl lying down on her side, facing him on blood red sheets; she was staring right at him with the shy smile on her face. She crawled towards him and stood on her knees, caressing his face gently before she planted a soft kiss on his lips. He automatically returned the kiss before she could pull away and he felt her smile as he placed his hands on her shoulders, he pushed the silk material off her shoulders and it fell off revealing her body. He pushed her onto the bed as he broke their embrace to climb on the bed himself, she pulled him down and kissed him as she pulled his shirt off. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and entwined it with his as she continued to take off his clothes until there was nothing left to take off.
She ran her hands over his smooth body before she allowed him to enter her, as he did her back arched and she pulled him closer to her. He began moving in and out of her slowly, gradually gaining speed as he continued to kiss her. He held her shoulders tightly and pulled as he pushed deeper inside of her, he heard her moaning as she began to reach her climax as she did he quickened his pace. She pulled away from his embrace and started to kiss his neck gently as he started to moan and move in quickly. She made her move, she smiled before she opened her mouth licking his jugular until she finally sank her teeth into his skin at the exact moment they reached their climaxes. She stopped drinking until he was at the point of death; she quickly slit her throat with her long nails and pulled his head toward her neck. He began to lick the blood until he started sucking on her neck trying to get all the blood; she pushed him away before he drank all her blood and allowed him to turn. She would show him all the pleasure of living in the night.