Lambeaux de chair

She walked past the dying trees buried under a massive stretch of snow. Her eyes were vaguely looking beyond the horizons, but her mind…her mind was an errant entity. Murmures of her destiny could have driven anyone else mad, but she kept on walking.

Shredded pieces of cloth hung from her cold and partly naked body, but she could not feel the cold as she had incarnated the cold winds pushing her forward. Greenest of eyes lost in the night under a heavy snowy sky, beneath a snowy mind. She had nothing to lose, nothing to win…nothing at all. Bare feet in this thick whiteness as she’d falter through her own past, present and future. What fate had to bring her she was prepared to face, as she had faced it in the past. It was a never ending fight but her persistence was far beyond expectation. Had she feared fate as she feared light, it would have pierced through her like simplicity pierces through overture. Shadow within shadows, a mind in the hollow darkness. Le Silence qui ne tue pas, mais qui ravive… She was in peace with herself, thus in peace with her environment. And how bitter it was to see them stalk her down, shattering her last hopes…but she kept on fighting. She walked on, even though branches were painting red streaks on her flesh, even though the blood was starting to freeze. She kept on walking even though her scarf got caught in the murderous branches…She kept on walking….She kept on her quest even though she was slowly choking, slowly dying…simple to understand as she still kept walking although she was not breathing : to her, there is no bitter end….
L’âme noire dont j’ai incarnée sera toujours en moi…et c’est cette noirceur qui me consommera à tout jamais…laissez moi périr avec les ombres…n’étant plus que des lambeaux de chair.

By die Krähe

I am darkness incarnated.I am but a Crow, flying above desolated lands, in search of what only exists in the realm of the forsaken...Ich bin Aine die Hexe, A solitaire Witch...