Leave Me Alone

Guess I am just ugly. Stupid, immature, fat, gross are some of the tittles to fill up the space with my big nose and moles. Some even say I look like a witch. An old hag with a mustache. I get it already, you hate me. Just leave me alone.

It is already enough you reject everything about me. It has been enough to fell alone and unwanted. You do not need to follow me to tell me about it, more than you already have. Is it enough that I cry or feel worthless. Does it just give you joy, because your life is , so empty. Why do you keep doing it? Would it be better if you saw me cry. Then you could kick me in the face, while I am on the ground. That would be funny, hey.

Watch me suffer. Do it up close and personal. Sit there and laugh, while the tears run down my face. You call me evil. I am not the one who gets off on others pain.

What makes it funnier? Is it just seeing me in pain? Is it that I cannot do anything about it? Is it just feeling normal, because someone else is hurting too? Maybe you just think it is a game? I think it is all these things.

My life is not a game. It never was a game. Your life is not a game. Yet you keep coming at me. One day everyone will see you for who you are. They will do the same to you. I will not laugh. It is not funny. By the was, police are patroling the area now. I am not taking this, anymore.