Blood on stained-glass windows.
Life imitates art.
Bathe in the fires of hell.
Hoards of winged nightmares.
Tolerate life. Numb the pain as best you can.
Death is the stepping stone to enlightenment.
Further instructions apply. Some assembly required.
Gone are the dreams of a jovial future.
Disease and devastation wreak havoc on a generally naive population.
Happiness postpones the pain in life.
Calloused hands wring our fire dry.
Rain falling on blood-stained corpses.
Another day in the life of a believer.
Believe: Hell in now. There is nothing after death.
We are all parasites. The world has failed.
Sweet, white innocence. You will never rest in peace.
Make mistakes as often as you can.
These are the essential steps to the valley of the unfortunates.
Who will save their souls from damnation?
O unmerciful creator, where is your benevolence now?
I die a little each day. Crossroads never to see again.
Wasted are the efforts for peace.
Internal combustion of the spirit.
Extinguish the passions of your thoughts.
Life imitates art. Art imitates life.
Is there really a difference?
Bleed my heart with a pen.
Never again, just once more.