Life’s Truth

One thing I’ve noticed about life is that no matter what happens – no matter how good or bad you feel – it goes on. When you’re desperately tired and wish you could sleep for an eternity, life will still wake you up in the morning and expect you to get out of bed. Even when you’re in the greatest of pain, you are required to continue breathing.

There are some, who have the strength to end this cycle of sleep and wakefulness, and then there are those who have the wisdom to continue the combat, and struggle their way through the best and worst life has to offer. And this crusade is well worth fighting, because with the realisation that life endures, as it must, comes the revelation that as it continues things get better and worse. No one can truly say what the next day will bring. Unexpected things often occur, and can transform a long stretch of misery into the best time of your life, and vise-versa

By Audryn

I search for truth and understanding...


  1. So tell us, oh wise one, what about when you find the strength to keep breathing, but the breath is taken away from you?

    Life doesn’t always endure, not when you want it to.
    And with the realization that your life can’t endure, does that mean the ‘crusade’ is not worthwhile?

  2. Life isn’t a question to be answered but a gift to be enjoyed.

  3. Some people like Coke, some people like Pepsi… Some people like to live, some people would rather be dead.

  4. The whole point is that no matter what you individuals decide the whole natural order of things carries on. So we can just sit on our asses and try to dissect this observation, but it’s just going to be laughing at us no matter what we do because everything continues, without regard to what we want, don’t want, or do!

  5. Blacklight, the “crusade” becomes all the more worthwhile when you realize that life cannot endure. For finding beauty and a reason for living becomes increasingly more valuable when it can only be enjoyed for a short time. And it is the possibility of the breath being taken away from you which makes fulfilling your life so much more important.

    Thankyou DanteNemoVile, you’re spot on.

  6. audryn, i respect your fearless spirit, i do. And i hate to use the words “that’s easy for you to say”…
    Trust me, the ‘crusade’ becomes far less black and white when a ticking clock is placed in front of it.

  7. Some good points made here. I don’t really know what to say, life is a struggle even if you enjoy it. There are things send down to test us all and just because some people handle them better than others doesn’t mean they don’t suffer in their own little way. Life is a mystery, a precious one, but a mystery. And i feel like i’m blabbing irrelivant bull shit so i’ll shud up.


  8. I respect your opinion Blacklight, thankyou for challenging me. It’s people like you who keep me thinking. And Vixodus, never discredit what you write or say, especially not here. I liked your words. Especially the bit about everyone suffering somehow. this is true…

  9. That’s fricking right. Life goes on and it usually drags you with it. But that doesn’t mean you’re here forever, so get yourself together while you can. Enjoy Life. Enjoy YOURSELF!

  10. for all the bad things one endures theres always a good thing in reward

  11. life is in balance. life ends to stay in balance.. life and death, yin and yang.. that leads to another thing. Pain and happiness.. even though u might think that there’s only pain in your life, there probably will be happiness that is equivalent to that somewhere down the road. I’ve kept that in mind, and that’s why I’m alive now. its like Cardinal Sin said…. and LordEnslaver.. life is truly a gift.. keep that in mind.. and then you’ll actually want to wake up the next morning

  12. If thinking that life is a gift works for you, and makes you happy, and willing to endure it, then go right ahead and think it. But just because you feel life is a gift and that everything is a balance, does not mean that it is. I respect your view, and think that it is great that you can take such a view. However I see the world differently, and my experience with this planet, reflects the view I take. Everyone experiences life in a different way, each one has a view that suits them, but no view is true for all people.

  13. To have life in balance is a challenge. There are many points along the way which will pull to either the light or the darkness, nothing is ever perfect. The gift of life is there, but it is more to do with how we live it, how we cope, how we find solutions and how we don’t find solutions. Even in the crushing there is something to be learned, even if it is not to do it again, avoid it when it next occurrs and do something else by doing in another direction.

    To stay on the balance, once found in awareness, is hard. There are distractions to test the way. But once recognized, it can always be found again and the way walked upon again.

  14. I liked this entry, eventually yes, we will all die. Not real can live for eternity.

    I think that people are useless bastards (I put this in another comment, but those who didn’t see it in the other one) they are born, they pollute the world, they destroy what is useful, then they may have children, thier children repeat the same cycle, then they die. People aren’t meant to be…

    Since we are here, with all the damage we have caused, with everything we ever hurt, why be selfish and end your problems with suicide? I see many different reasons why people do commit suicide, or end other lives. I do have suicidal/homicidal ways…

    I’m sure no one here does it for attention, but for anyone that does, that is stupidity, and you deserve to die. I do think that it is not completely right to kill people, or yourself, but it happens, whether you want it to or not, and if it does happen, there’s nothing you can do to go back in time and stop it.

    Back to the part for attention; If you want to comitt suicide, you wouldn’t announce it to the world before you killed yourself, or that would obviously be a need for attention. I was kind of off topic with this comment. For the most part I agree with Audryn. Though I still have my thoughts of how to live life, and how we do live life.

  15. i agree with blacklight on the points of announcing it for help. sometimes you are so lost and yet you feel like you know the way and it is only when you finally feel lost that you ask for help. sometimes all it takes is to ask for help and know that someone even just one person does care.

    most people, even suicidal ones aren’t ready to die. if someone put a gun to your head and was about to pull the trigger, the most likely thought to run through your head is “i’m not ready to die.”

    some people see this and ask for help, some people don’t and are ready to die. the point is that no one can make a choice for anone else. you may think a person’s suicide is selfish, but what do you know about that person? what went through their heads? all you know is what they told you, but that doesn’t mean that there was more that they didn’t want to burden you with.

    once death has taken it’s toll, the answers will never be known.

  16. midnight. repeating the assertion that people are useless doesn’t make it true. i’ve seen a whole host of incredibly beautiful people, and i don’t think you have a right to tell them they’re ‘not meant to be’. You don’t have the right to tell ME that I’m a waste of oxygen, because I’m not. And if I wasn’t using up this bit of earth, some other creature would be.
    I figure all shit happens for a reason, and if humans weren’t meant to be then they wouldn’t be. Simple as that.

    Oh, suicide isn’t always selfish. My fiancee committed suicide. And don’t you dare try and darken her memory by saying she was a bad person for it coz there are times when it’s something you just have to do, and it’s not your place to say if it’s right or wrong. You have power over no-one but yourself.

    Oh yeah, and don’t be so fuckin judgemental.
    Did you ever think that sometimes announcing suicide to the world isn’t seeking attention in a bad way? Sometimes it’s one last ditch effort to make somebody save you.
    Depressed people are generally very lonely and very secretive, and it’s not until they reach desperation point that they ask for help. Sometimes life gets too much, and you *know* you can’t keep breathing till tomorrow – you know in your heart that if nobody stops you you’re going to give up.
    All you want is for somebody to reach out and be strong for you, just for a little while. Just until you can stand alone again. And that’s not wrong. They don’t deserve to die for it – everybody should get a second chance. EVERYBODY, no exceptions. Because if you were at the end of your own momentum and you were refused a last lifeline, you’d think it was pretty fucking unfair too.

    Okay that’s all I have to say to you. See ya.

    Thesicon … hi …. i just wanted to say, knowing that life is a gift doesn’t always make you want to live it. When my doc told me I had leukemia, I realized how fragile life is, and I know it’s a gift. But the truth is, when my cells are throbbing individually underneath my skin and my pulse is so loud in my head that there are blood tears coming from my eyes … I don’t care how much of a gift it is, I just want it to be over.
    When you’re in the thunderstorm, it’s SO much harder to see the sunshine.
    But I agree that you just have to have faith that the sunshine is still there. Later.

  17. u pplz are right. its true that gifts dont always have to be used, or even accepted (in this case, you have to accept it.) This is just my way of thinking… or at least it was. whatever. too fucked @ the moment. I guess i’m in my thunderstorm at the moment blacklight.
    Life. If it’s too much to handle, then why not end it? it’s a question I’ve asked myself so many times. I dont know the answer, and i probably never will.

  18. Blacklight…
    I really respect your words, and your determination. I myself had a struggle with an illness (leukemia as well) and I know it sucks. It sucked even worse when I relapsed a few years later. But in the end, I’m glad it happened (both times) because it made me a stronger person and more aware of how short and fragile life really is. And I’m still going. Good luck to you.

  19. If life’s too much to handle, we don’t end it because it’s all we have. There’s no guarantee that anything will come after, and if we waste this gift, that’s it. No reruns and no second chances (unless you believe in reincarnation, but lets face it, that’s a long shot).

    It bothers me when people expect life to get easier for them. No, it’s not going to. Life is a fight, and it’s hard and it lasts … it’s you that has to get better. If life is too much to handle, you can find a way of getting stronger, if you give yourselves the chance. People are remarkably adaptable in that sense, but also remarkably reluctant to try.

    Myself, I’m surviving because I’m looking forward. I’m as happy as I can be right now but I can’t be really truly happy until I’ve beaten this fuckin illness and I’m free. I keep going because I know how perfect my life could be, if I could just shake this bad bit. And I will, I have no fear about that.

    Thing is, no matter how many thunderstorms we pass through, there will always remain with us the knowledge that tomorrow could be a better day, and I think that’s what keeps most of us going.

    Do me a favor; Live, if only to prove that you can. Or simply to see what approaches round the next corner. I plan to explore every inch of life, until death is the only corner available, and that’s when I embrace it. Till then, I never was one to take short cuts.

    Cya, Damian.

    Oh yeah, and remember, if you’re at your lowest, where else can you go but up?

  20. In relation to only being able to go up from your lowest point. It is a pretty sentiment, but not a reality. The lowest point in ones life is not the lowest point that one can get to. There has been many a point that I have thought was the lowest, and then discovered that I can still go lower. It is a false hope that leads to yet more disappointment.

  21. sometimes false hope is the only hope we need to perservere.

    blind faith in ourselves and in fate.


  22. The lowest point can be reached, and then as if on cables, the elevator goes up. It never quite touches the bottom, and hovers inches above, it’s not time to go that low this time, maybe never. Find those who truely love you, they’ll stop you and lift you up, or at least sympathise.

    Dread the day you hit bottom, for there is no return, no way up, no way back. For any regrets it is too late. Let it not be a conscious choice, there is always more to be had of life, good or bad, it can balance out. Of more import learn from it to find answers for getting out, do the impossible sometimes…you never know what you are capable of without trying at least once.

  23. dante, i appreciate it. thanks.

    so tell me something, i’m not especially strong or brave or smart or even nice. so why does it seem that i’m the only person in the world who believes in themself?

    my faith isn’t blind and my hope isn’t false. it’s real and unshakeable and built on everything i’ve learned about myself.
    and everything i’ve learned from the people i love.
    I’ve got a future because i made myself a future, and I’ve got a life i love because I worked damn hard for it.

    hmmm … maybe d brings out the best in me, or maybe i’m just delusional. or maybe my parents smoked somethin when i was a kid.

    well … whatever

  24. You ARE wise, wise for realising that life is what you make of it
    You have the strength to move on; You are strong I’ve seen people fall apart from far less pain.
    Sometimes, it’s just diffictult to find the strength to believe in yourself. That can be the ultimate struggle. But you have conquered it….what can stop you now?

  25. It could, but it tried its best on me and I kicked its ass both times, and if it wants a re-match I’ll be happy to give it one just to prove I could do it again. If you’re determined to go on, then you will, even if only in spirit. The only way the cancer will ever really beat you is if you convince yourself that it’s hopeless… So I totally agree, it is frustrating to see totally healthy, able-bodied people falling prey to their own low self-esteem and self-destructive tendencies when it’s obvious they could do great things, if they let themselves. So shut the fuck up and let yourself be great, because you have a lot more sense and strength than most people, anyway.

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