Loral; a cutting story

*this isn’t fiction*

She comes to school everyday, and no one ever knows. Pretty natural bleach blond hair and violet contacts in her sparkling eyes; they think she is sweet. The quietest girl someone could ever meet with a soft voice and small smile.

Dressed in long sleeved shirts and baggy pants she walks slowly and alone. No one suspects that she hides a secret underneith those clothes. Loral is a cutter.

I met her a few months into school when she asked me if I cut. It is an extremely random thing to ask, but some rumor went around the school, so I sort of expected it. No I replied and she nodded a no as i asked her in response.

Later I came to find the girl had cuts deeply etched on her wrists. They were so bad that she was never seen wearing a short sleeved shirt. I haven’t seen her wrists, and I’ve known her for months now. No one suspects, except those of us who know her well enough, to realize it.

“How bad are they?” I asked her after basketball. Even after an hour and half of practice she haden’t removed her long sleeved shirt.

“Deep…” Was the short answer she gave me as she walked into the locker room to change.

By ChildofDeath

A little gothic girl going to a boarding school.


  1. This girl you speak of…she sounds very…..Interesting. And you two are confusing me.

  2. I replied to a bunch of other postings too; I hadn’t realized until later that they had all been by ChildofDeath.

    Nah, you aren’t interrupting a thing.


  3. DamnedOne- I don’t know how that is interesting, but ok…thanks for the comments.

    brainodead- naw, nothing interrupting…

    mourningstar- thanks *smiles*

  4. well i like the story its very… i almost said nice, its not nice, more intriguing.
    And whatevers going on between you two, I think it’s very cute. haha.

    *Beautiful Mess*

  5. Haha, I know that there is people out there like that bitch you talk of in your story and it is a pity they do not fire up the chainsaw.

  6. brainodead- I’m not even going to respond to that…

    Beautiful Mess- thank you, and this girl is very interesting. *smiles*

    killyourfamily- again, go share you own pathetic opinions with someone who cares.

  7. brainodead,
    They were not beginning to “..UHUM..” due to ChildofDeath having his cock removed as a child at his kibbutz.
    It is a rather funny story, he was being initiated into the Jewish regime and his father did not want the normal snip for his son, his father wanted the scissors reminiscent of the Canadian maple leaf. He thought it would be so good for his son to be able to de flower someone with his maple cock. Yet the man performing this snip was bumped by ChildofDeath’s father’s hand as he was masturbating profusely all over ChildofDeath’s face. All ChildofDeath has now is a ‘stork’ a little ‘nub’ if you would like to call it that. Well anyway ChildofDeath, keep up that little Yarmulke laden head up.

  8. ChildofDeath…. you fucking loser, when you stop fucking your grandmother in the skull and tell your dad to take his dick out of your puss-dripping swollen hole, maybe you can come up with a decent insult, you pathetic little nigger-loving whore

  9. thank u jewbasj=hingmaniak, finally, someone feels the same way about little filthy jews who put their little cocks in their dead grandmothers mouth, as i see it, thier are 2 types of people on this site, the people who make others klill themselves by picking on their sorry semen infested asses, and the semen infested assholes themselves who get upset when we pik on them, people like me, jewbashingmaniak, killyourfamily, and notyou, we own this site, all u other people are our little bitches, adn u need to face the fact that u will never live up to anything u dirty little mexican prostituting jews.

  10. face it, noones gonna stop making fun of u, EVER, so it doesnt matter wat u say, itsd not gonna make us stop.

  11. *makes a face* you think I’m insulted? that is nothing…and by the way that might have to do with the fact that your myopic necrophiliacs. You remind me of Carl von Cosel, go obsess over someone who won’t die as soon as Maria. Your only dousing yourselves in formaldehyde and sewing your bones together with piano strings…

  12. Very nice ChildofDeath.
    I think it’s fucking stupid that we’ve gotten to the point where CERTAIN people aren’t expressing their opinion (as they say they are), because they say the same thing to every post, no matter how different the content.
    We can’t even have a list of comments on darkness anymore without getting the same irrelevant shit on every one.

    *Beautiful Mess*

  13. Hey insertnamehere,

    puss arse little pussy, fucken pull the squid jig out of your anus, lick it clean and inject into your lung via the throat,
    swallow that you dickless rectum licker

    fuck the fuck off!

  14. *smiles* thanks…and I only found their insults slightly amusing because I’m not a guy. It is rediculous to feel as if you can’t post something because your going to get harassed by some asshole who thinks the world revolves around the very images he portrays with his revolting and crude mind.


  15. I don’t understand any of those people. Why would you insult someone over something so trivial. I personally think ChildofDeath is awesome in writing skills and personality.


  16. I understand them…but it isn’t something I would do. Everyone acts the way they see fit. Even if they have no idea what *shrugs* as I said their myopic. But whatever…thanks Julia. *smiles* I like your personality too, unfortunetly i haven’t had a chance to read your writing.


  17. aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww, thicktears, i didnt know u cared about me. thank you so much for your post, and ill take ur advice, dont worry. ooooh lookey lookey, thick tears is fighting bak, loook at her gooooooo. come on,,,u can do it, just one more step, your almost there, GOOD JOB, u made ur first insult, its a shame i wasnt offended. next time, add in the words “filthy little jew”, that usually does the touch, if only i knew what a squid jig was????? then maybe i could pull it out my ass, and how would u know if its in my ass or not???
    are u that guy always outside my window watching me take showers, I KNEW IT WAS YOU. NE wayz, id just like to say thank u thicktears for all ur lovely comments.

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