everyone sees me differently….some dont see me at all….
my friends became my friends cuz i wuzz funny and nice but now they no im really not…..im just a gurl/ a humen like every other fucked soul on this lonely planet….i seem happy but deep down im really not///i kant tell anyone////and when i do they dont hear it the way i tell//// all they hear is “im depressed !waa waa! help me” no one could possible kare less 4 me then they already do…..sometimes i try and break free from the demons and monsters holdin on to me…. it never workx….no one understands me///and the only one who even comes close to (my “best” friend tiffany) is like insane…shes a bitch…but at least she nos a bit of wat i feel…but i wonder if she really….
i wonder///if no one sees ME….who do they see?
i bet my x b-friend seez me as a dirty slut….im not….i bet my parents see me as the fucking kid they gave birth to, who will never amount to anything…..theyre wrong…..my friends must think of me as just another friend…..they arnt my friends…..and i bet the “cool kids” must see….well they must see NOTHING im not even there,,,and when i am im just another one of those losers….think again…..
i no im better then all of them…and if i had enough trust in myself i could fuck them all into infinity…..i never did anything to them///but theyre all expecting something from me…like im an obedient pet…thats how they see me….but that is not who i am…….
sometimes I even wonder who I am….as i sit alone in my room and stare at the mirror i think “who is that gurl in the mirror staring bak at me with wide open eyes? is that me? no it kant be…i havent gone that far from myself hav i?” but i have…..to the point when all the lies and words hav gotton to me and i have lost myself….
i have lost the only thing holding myself together….the only thing that sayz tommorrow may bring something better….myself….