Lost Or Just Empty

Im doing the teenage angst thing. Ive been doing it for a while now and Im finding it to be lot more important to human evolution than what some people think. I mean what kind of person would i be if i wasnt angry with myself and constantly pushing farther? Id be boring and unhappy and a waste of potential, thats what.

Ive been going through a lot lately. I had a identiy crisis and i really spazed. In fact Ive been spazing more often than usual recently. Its just that everything seems to be piling up, like my responsibilties and commitments and everything. It feels like Ive lost all my energy to some unknown, stress-creating invisible beast. I realise how goofy that sounds but really, thats how it feels.
The prevailing issue is my identity problem, i just dont kno what to do. Ive read some other submissions that were a little reassuring but nothing really helpful has popped up yet. Im just looking for some advice, good advice. none of the “kill urself” crap i sometimes see thrown here cause really ill still be confused when im dead.
the question is : what do i do about my lack of personal identity? how do i rid myself of this caught-in-the-grey-area feeling?
Thanx for reading my waste of cybespace.

By Pyrotechniky

I really can't stand the stereotypes held against those of a darker nature. We're mostly human and if we're not we dont bug ppl with it. but what bothers me most is goths who are only goth because they have shit self-esteem and want to "scare" ppl.


  1. Ok, if you need to find yourself, you have to sit back, have quiet time and think. What do you know about yourself? How do other people describe you? (both those that matter and those that dont) How do you react to things? How do you respond to other people? etc etc.
    When you have clarified all of that you should have a little profile of yourself, whether you like it or not is the question, and what you do with it.
    good luck – Beautiful Mess

  2. stop caring about yourself. you will never be able to fix yourself. just focus on helping other people. just believe that everything is ok. cause its as ok as its gonna get. yes, you could in the future become more or less deluded and believe that things are more or less ok, but reality doesn’t change. and there are people out there that can use your help. believe it or not just being a non-negative (or hurtful) entity in someones life can be a great help. anyways… for an identity, let yourself become useful and helpful to others. ease their pain. you can, all you have to do is not hurt them, even when they hurt you. then you will see what and who you are when you no longer struggle under the illusion that you need or fear anything. giving life is what makes you alive. consuming is what make you dead. hope thats somewhat helpful at least, good luck

  3. How old are you again?

    So you “suffer” from teenage angst. Typical. This is the way it works. When you’re a kid everything is fine and dandy because the only thing on your agenda is to go to school and have fun being a kid. Then you start slipping into the teenage years. Hormones suck ass. You get sensitive to just about everything that people say, they way they look at you. Your responsibilities suddenly appear and you’re not sure what to do. You need to choose what you are going to be for the REST OF YOUR LIFE by the age of fourteen or you’re a lost cause. Being a teenager sucks.
    Advice time… don’t let anything bother you. If it isn’t very important then you need to forget it.
    People mean nothing to you. You’re friends and family are the only opinions and thoughts you should be hearing and remembering. Unless it’s some person you don’t know who is just dishing out helpful quotes.
    Take it slow. Don’t overwhelm yourself with all these decisions and complications. Take it one day at a time and think things through before making any commitments. Pressure can lead to the wrong choices, don’t rush yourself unless you need to.
    Find out who you are. Do you like the color red? What’s your favorite food? Would you have changed the ending to that story you read? All these little things are important, as silly as they sound, because they all make YOU. What are your beliefs on abortion or religion? Do you think honesty is important? I’ve done this *self exploration* thing and it does help.

    The most important thing in living is being okay with yourself. If you’re not, then you can’t possibly start to be okay with the rest of the world.


  4. let it all come to you.. stop searching so hard.. its not goin to cum if u look too hard becuz if u expect it to cum all at one moment it will all be lost… i am in that stage too.. right now im lost also… but everday i find sumthing new and i sit bak and let it cum in… even if it hurts like hell.. ey.. thats a part of life… dont kare so much… i mean u should take advantage of life but dont over-do it becuz u will lose wat u have in a second… its a bit by bit thing.. let it roll in and try not to be so serious w/ it… take advantage of what u have and invite the new ones in… seriously… it’ll be okay… learn to accept sum things that u cannot change and improve on the things that u can change… jux dont scold urself and compplain bout it.. get to workin on it! hope u understand my points!… have a nice life…
    signed: missus lestat 07

  5. i’m with missus don’t try so hard you are trying to impose yourself to be something making yourdelf “fit” into a specific group…have fun then you’ll find out what things make you comfortable what makes you be…think about what you do and what you like…l could tell you to meditate and in the depths of your mind and heart you will find your true identity although l think that is right is not right to say it say it cuz its just mixed up. lf you spoke spanish (my fist language since l’m from Puerto Rico) l would tell you: “Jode Jode y jode diviertete k esa es la unica manera de encontrar lo k te hace sentir bien lo k te llena…”(fuck fuck and fuck, have fun cuz that is the only way to find what makes you feel good what fills you)
    l ‘llshut up now
    hope l helped…

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