Love and Death

I walked across the club slowly, allowing my hips to sway ever so slightly. My black gauze skirt swirled in the breeze created by the air conditioning. I knew he was watching me, I was just waiting for him to make the first move. I glanced back at him, a slight smile gracing my unnaturally red lips. His eyes widened, black kohl enhancing the bright blue shade, and he stood up to begin in my direction.

But somehow I didn’t want him to catch me. I wanted to make him wonder a while, let his desire grow until he had to have me. I knew I could do it. I glanced back at him and walked out the back door onto the balcony. I knew he would follow me.

When he joined me a few minutes later, we were alone. Everyone else was avoiding the sweltering heat. I noticed he was not bothered by it, nor was I. We seemed to be the only people at the club without a slight sheen of sweat. His skin-tight leather pants creaked a bit as he sat next to me.

“Can I help you?” I asked throatily, gazing deep into the blue blue seas of his eyes.

“I hope so,” he said, smiling openly. Sharp white fangs protruded ever so slightly over his lip. “I’m getting a bit thirsty dancing.”

“Only if you share.”

His lips caressed the nape of my neck gently, moistening the skin. His tongue flicked lightly over me, bringing my desire to a head. I had to have him inside of me. I had to feel every inch of him deep inside, caressing my most secret parts. He grazed me with his teeth, making me moan in pleasure. And once he was inside, I could feel his body working wonders upon me. Shivers of delight ran up my spine, making me dizzy with sheer pleasure. I grabbed his hair, not wanting him to stop. I could feel my life pulsing into him at the same time he was entering me.

When he had reached his fill, I leaned over him and entered him in my way, swift and silent onto his thighs. He gasped in delight as my teeth broke the surface, drinking him away. He pushed down on my head, forcing me deeper inside. He tasted sweeter than any candy. I drank until he was barely breathing anymore, and left him sitting there, waiting for death to claim him.

By triana

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