That dark figure of my dreams has declared his intentions. And dreams they were, for I never thought them to be fulfilled. I’d poured all the affection, care, and devotion I possessed
into his two hands, and saw him spill it through his fingers to fall wetly to the floor. Time and again this happened, until my heart was inured to him,
or so I thought. That has changed in an instant or a year.
How is it that a man of flesh and bone, or a flesh of bone and man can do to me with
a look what no other could do with the deepest kiss? Touch my soul.
To me love seems a paltry word for this, but I do not know how to express it otherwise….. I
can never touch him, see him, feel him enough. This is not a bond of the flesh, though to look upon him can stir my breast as well as the heart beneath
it. It’s… what, transcendental? No, that’s my pretensions showing. It is pure, and mired I think in a pool of impurity. But that impurity makes the glow of this love all the more glowing, all the more
right. He looks at me with pain on his face, and I need to soothe him, he looks at me with happiness, I must needs rejoice, he looks at me in anger and all I see is trust, because I know he would never hurt me. I know he would
protect me with his dying breath, he would love me that far, and I would do no less. I’ve put him upon a pedestal, I know. But I do not think him perfect, only perfect for me. Always near me I pray.
I don’t just love him, I don’t just need him, in some way, I am him, and he is me.
Inexorably bound.
Would that I could feel that way about anyone again….. but there is no one, no one out there I can see……..
beautiful. I cannot find the words to express how I feel, and now I do not need to.
thank you,
Wow thats pretty serious! I’m not so sure I’m exactly ready to feel that way about anyone just yet. Although at times I do miss being lost in someones arms. Ahh but there are too many things to do. I’ll pray for ya whoever you are. Keeping ones sanity when things are that deep is never easy, but its so much fun who cares.
I…can’t find the words at the moment.
This is really, very beautiful
“I don’t just love him, I don’t just need him, in some way, I am him, and he is me.”
This very much reminds me of “Wuthering Heights”
It seems to be very deep, very (if I may say) uncommon. In my opinion anyway. Wow.
I have been going through the same situation for the last two years and no real way to gauge any aspect of it at all. I have driven friends mad with it, myself, and at this point, am resigned to the fact that yes, it a true byronic passion, but will never be more than my interpretation of feelings, real or imagined. As long as the other party participates up to a certain point, then, just isn’t there, and then again, they are, well, this way lays madness. I wish you well. Semi requited passion is worse than anything I know. Thanks for reading.
Uncommon is the very word I think I would use for he and I. We are something that makes no sense in the grand scheme, nor the less than grand I believe. I believe it is all the more reason to trust him and this, because it has neither rhyme nor reason, logic nor mediocre sentiment.
I thank you for your words, admittedly this was a message for his eyes to see, since I am so much more eloquent with the written word than I am the spoken, but your thoughts are appreciated none-the-less. It’s a novel thing to stir someone’s mind, heart, or imagination from across the miles. Thank you again~
“All things come in time” is a sad sentiment oft said to those bereft of love or need, but I think that it is apt no matter how trite. I found this love over and over before it was right, heaven nor hell may know what is before your eyes right now. I found my “dark dreamer”, so will you. ( sappy sentimentalism ends now, sorry)
I don’t think I should say anything other than your welcome. Such a smiple phrase you wrote, but such a deep compliment.
I thank you
I apologize for the Anonymoue heading- DS would not accept my name s a log in. Thank oyu all for reading, and for your thoughts, I appreciate them much.
do you realy feel that way?
if you do some day it will go away
such dream can never come true
not for me not for you not in this reality
not in this life
but i like it very very deep 🙂