The truth behind this Masquerader has been seeping through
It’s too bad I cam eback in time but not to salvage you
No more damned walks home
No more of your patience
I don’t deserve it anyway
Remember the time You fought my heart down with our balls
remember the time we realized
Cheshire was where we belonged
Have I waited too long
seems like you’ve died for some one
Fuck! I’ve waited past long
to see you
Seems I got my wish
You know I’m never about anything
but I never had the Chance
To say goodbye to you
No more “yay for maeve”
no more Polack Water fights
Still can’t absorb the yesterday
Remember the time we had no way to go but up
Remember the time
you got me grounded with your damn fruit cup
“How many times I’ve tried. it’s simple to you so simple to lie.”
How many times; I’m tired…Blatent mistakes but who’s to side?
“I’ve had so many chances, turned my back and I ran away, I’ve had so many chances to see you”