MORE Whispers in the Dark!

Misc. announcements from on high. 🙂


you might have noticed some cosmetic changes. If you’ve perused the topics, you’ll notice that there are not only more nifty graphics, there are alos a lot more nifty topics – rather similar to the topics that we suggested in the last poll, actually. Darksites is branching out into even more variety.

To make the process work really well, really really well, we need submissions to match the topics. Those of you who have been leaving poetry in the guestbook and in the margins (you know who you are!) can now submit your poetry to the appropriate section. Those of you who dwell on matters of lust (again, you know who you are, ahem) can dwell even more, and call it an article.

(So long as it isn’t a graphic fantasy involving me and other posters, or my boss…)


Unless you are actually an author who has submitted an article, you won’t notice this – but there is actually a week-long backlog of articles. I know this contradicts what I just said about Darksites needing submissions, but bear with me. The site needs variety as much as it needs anything else, and submissions do need to be spaced – so when a bunch of articles come in at once, then there’s nothing for a day or two, it’s better to just release the articles by two or three at a time, in separate categories if possible.

With Halloween coming up, there’s the added consideration of trying to have the articles fit the holiday.

This is NOT a site that censors. If your article hasn’t been published yet, it’s probably still in the queue and will be up in a few days. There are some really thought provoking articles in the queue. (More werewolf stuff! Keep it coming! There is not enough werewolf stuff in the ezines these days; we can be part of the solution to that, I think) And believe it or not, only two of the articles are mine! See, I do know how to keep my mouth shut on occasion.

Anyway – don’t stop submitting, and don’t get discouraged. If and when the queue actually needs an enema, I’ll certainly let you know.



  1. I have severe insomnia, so I forgot to mention that the new topics and graphics are Sire’s creation. Say, THANK YOU, SIRE! everybody. 🙂

    Now I am going to bed to try to force myself to sleep. I’m starting to blur out.


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