My Black Goddess

So full of Pain, the thoughts inside,
It hurts so much, these tears I’ve cried.
You make me feel like life’s worth living,
My heart to you, I’m fully giving.

I feel for you, like never before,
But I just wish I could be more,
I’ll be the man I want to be,
Just please have patience, babe you’ll see,
I’ll get my confidence soon, don’t stress,
A few more weeks, and I’ll progress,
I’ll get the strength to fight my plague,
Self-image now just seems so vague.

My honesty always comes for free,
These words I say, my guarantee,
It felt so good those words you said,
I sit here and it’s tears I shed,
I want to never be apart,
For you now fully own my heart.

I know that we have far to go,
But what I feel for you I know,
Could be love in some kind of form,
We’ll find out soon, once I transform.

by ÐêåÐ Ïññër §åñ¢tûm

By DeadInnerSanctum

I never have any idea what to write in these things so if you'd like to know more about me please get in contact with me via Email or ICQ or MSN Messenger. I'd be more than happy to chat.