My Butterflies Don’t Like Me

It really bothers me when my butterflies are pissed at me… butterflies: the inner-most-beings that reside in me…they won’t talk to me…they never really like me, but since they’re stuck with me, they atempt intelligent conversation…I really make them mad when I ignore them…They are so touchy… when I talk to a friend that I wish was more than a friend, they fly around and around… no it’s not the regular “butterflies”…people with weak or fried nerves have those… those are tweeked butterflies…wow, stoners in every world…anyway… Does anybody else have this problem?

By Blessed~Disease

I enjoy getting drunk, listening to music, designing clothes, and eating... oh yeah...i'm a chick...and i'm single...5'6" w/ brown eyes & red hair...i really need a friendlier friend...know what i mean?