My Dark Angel

Darkangel, your beauty is clear,
Unlike our old master’s and all we see here,
Darkangel, you only I want,
For God is a slave driver and jesus a cunt..

Darkangel take me now under your wing,
Feed me and teach me and lessen the sting,
Raise me alone as your queen and your love,
To cast high our throne far above the Above.

Take me from order and teach me the truth,
Let me to drink from your fountain of youth,
Soon they’ll be dead, just as they should be,
Reigning the corpses, alone, you and me.

And as darkness descends, one last guilty twinge,
From loyalty programmed, the only unhinged,
The order of evil in God’s true desire,
We cast down from our heaven and into the fire

By rottenangel

I'm a quiet little being and I mostly mind my own buisiness, but I occasionally venture out into the world of today to conduct an analisys. Unfortunately, every one of these have been along the lines of "Shit.".