After Raven dropped me off at home, I felt so alive. Yet, a dark cloud still loomed over my head. I still feared that Mitch would return. I opened the front door and entered.
“Draven?” I walked into the livingroom. Draven was kissing a girl I’d never seen before, he had his hands up her shirt. He looked up from the couch. “What? Cant you see I’m busy?” I tapped my foot. “Wheres Bekah?” He looked up at me again. “We broke up. Wheres Raven?” I stepped backwards. “Went home, he has work later tonight.” I walked closer to the stair case. I feared he would say something about Raven and I having sex. For some reason, I think he can sense when I’ve had sex. He raised his eyebrow, buttoned up the girl’s shirt. His eyes were fixed on me the whole time. “If I find out you had sex with him, I’ll kill him.” I rolled my eyes and took off my coat. “Why would you think that?” He stood up and walked toward me. “Whats this?” He put his hand on my neck. “Fuck, that hurts!” I looked up and then down quickly, I saw the anger in Draven’s eyes. “Draven, listen…I wanted him to make love to me. I really care about him.” Tears started to well up in my eyes. “The last time this happend it was with Mitch! He hurt you. I wont let it happen again.” He grabbed his trench coat and ran out the door. I looked at the girl, she turned her face towards me and frowned. She walked towards me and put her arm around my shoulder. “Your brother has anger issues, but he loves you and doesnt want you to get hurt.” I looked at her and pushed her arm off my shoulder. “You dont know me. Dont talk to me.” I walked half-way up the stairs. “I do know you. You just dont know me. I’m TJ’s sister, Maya.” I stepped backwards and closed my eyes. All I could see was TJ’s blood soaked body, laying limp in the middle of the road. I shook it off, “I’m sorry.” I ran up stairs and slammed the door.
I heard the front door open and close. I locked my bedroom door and switched on the computer. Raven had logged on.
Hell Barbie Log In
“Hey, Raven. My brother is coming to your house! Please call me!” Hell Barbie
“Hey Sweets. I know your brother just left. I told him I asked you and you said you wanted me to. I also told him that I told you, you dont have to if your not ready.*kisses* I love you.” Ravens_Gothic_Crew
“I gotta go.” Hell Barbie
Hell Barbie Log Out
I suddenly felt dizzy, I stood and blacked out……