I rounded the corner, almost slipping in the rainy streets. I peered around the corner hoping for a clear path to safety. My hideout. My hair was dripping now, falling in my face and distracting me from the task at hand. I brushed my hair back with my hands, covered i filth from falling thrice before. Thunder boomed within the skies, sounding anger and giving off a warning as to what was to come. The sound shook me, and gave me the momentum i needed to rush off into the strets towards the next alley. Safety.
Gunshot sounded throughout the air as the smell of sulfer burned my nostrils. I had no idea why they were after me, but they were. And they were angry. I stopped to look at myself in a puddle by a streetlight. I hadn’t seen myself in days. The dirt i had on my face was enough to make me look more rugged than the last man I had seen three streets back… I was shocked when I looked at my hair… did I dare brush it?
Another gun shot, time to run again.
I ended up this time in a dead end alley, filled with dumpsters. I walked up to a puddle to hopefully get some of the dirt off of my face. Instead, I came to a sheet of paper with a rather attractive girl on the front of it. It was a wanted poster. For a few hundred thousand dollars. I lifted it out of the puddle and put it at my side, as I washed my face. Upon finishing, I looked into the puddle to see how I looked. Not bad. A brush might help, yet under the circumstances, not bad! I looked back at the poster, and it was if i was struck by lightening. The girl in the picture was me