vampire as i looked up from her neck blood dripping from my mouth i saw a face staring back oh fuck he found me i left her there half drained running as fast as i could in the other direction knowing he wouldnt catch up but he has his ways of catching you he normally cut around jumping through the window flying through the air i wiped my mouth behind i heard him scream in frustration as he came to the broken window and saw i had jumped my feet hitting the floor i turned and looked his eyes burned into mine then i ran until i found myself in a moonlit park after only having half the feed i need to keep me going i collapsed on a bench breathing hard i bearly heard her approch me looking up i saw a pale face with long blonde hair framing it her eyes were i wonderful shade of green still smiling at me she asked if i was ok nodding i replied yes sitting down next to me and putting her hand on my shoulder i shivered never before had anyone touched me with her intetion before i looked into her eyes seeing my sweaty face mirrored in them i began to laugh at myself looking puzzled she began to get up but the hunger in my made me grab her hand and make her sit back down i apoligised for laughing we began to talk about nothing particular mainly abpt music and style considering we had these things in common then all of a sudden she was leaning toward me as if to kiss me but she grabbed me with a strength i would have never expected then all at once i understood bearing her fangs i let her bite me recoiling she looked into my face i thought of food my fangs appeared she laughed i cant believe it as if i nearly bit you was he chasing you? yes grabbing my hand she said shall we the world is at our feet lets go out and use our time!