I have decided to submit something here, seeing as how I’m a new user and all (yes, i get to click on all those nifty “new user” links!). I figured I’d introduce myself in the best way I know how – by writing.
My main interest here is in vampires, although I appreciate most kinds of dark creatures. My curiousity lies within the mystery of the vampire. Currently I am researching porphyria and determining whether or not it is linked in any way with mortal vampirism. I am not saying that vampirism is a disease. I am suggesting that a “cure” for porphyria may be the drinking of blood. You see, people with porphyria, such as myself, can sometimes have blood that has difficuties carrying oxygen. I’ve heard of a theory that vampires need blood, because they need the blood to carry oxygen for them. Besides this, porphyria causes the “known symptom” of vampirism – stomach problems. I have a whole list of restrictions when it comes to medicines and if I am not careful, my stomach can get way out of hand. But, I do not know if I am a mortal vampire or not . . . I am only 15 you see.
If anyone knows anything about porphyria, I’d be interested in hearing their thoughts about this theory that I have absolutely no factual basis for. But I warn you that getting to my computer is not always easy for me, and I may take a while to reply – sometimes weeks.
I suppose that’s about all I can think of. I bid you all farewell . . .
~Moon Vampire~