New Thoughts; New User

I have decided to submit something here, seeing as how I’m a new user and all (yes, i get to click on all those nifty “new user” links!). I figured I’d introduce myself in the best way I know how – by writing.

My main interest here is in vampires, although I appreciate most kinds of dark creatures. My curiousity lies within the mystery of the vampire. Currently I am researching porphyria and determining whether or not it is linked in any way with mortal vampirism. I am not saying that vampirism is a disease. I am suggesting that a “cure” for porphyria may be the drinking of blood. You see, people with porphyria, such as myself, can sometimes have blood that has difficuties carrying oxygen. I’ve heard of a theory that vampires need blood, because they need the blood to carry oxygen for them. Besides this, porphyria causes the “known symptom” of vampirism – stomach problems. I have a whole list of restrictions when it comes to medicines and if I am not careful, my stomach can get way out of hand. But, I do not know if I am a mortal vampire or not . . . I am only 15 you see.

If anyone knows anything about porphyria, I’d be interested in hearing their thoughts about this theory that I have absolutely no factual basis for. But I warn you that getting to my computer is not always easy for me, and I may take a while to reply – sometimes weeks.

I suppose that’s about all I can think of. I bid you all farewell . . .

~Moon Vampire~

By The Evil Cheezman

Purveyor of sacred truths and purloined letters; literary acrobat; spiritual godson of Edgar Allan Poe, P.T. Barnum, and Ed Wood; WAYNE MILLER is the head architect of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, serving up the finest in entertainment and edification for the stage, the page, and the twain screens, silver and computer. He is the axe-murderer who once met Andy Griffith.