January 30, 1987, a friday, early in the morning a healthly 7lbs. 8ozs. baby
girl was born. Her name Nicole Elizabeth Churchill.Only 6 months later she was
walking and her mother bapitized her, did she ask to be bapitized?
NO. Does
she any religon? Just because her mother has a religion does that mean she
has to have one yet? This early in life? Everything went good for the next couple
years, then her mom got pregant again. Now Nicole was happy about this new
baby for months. She couldn’t wait fir her new baby brother or sister to come.
She was hoping for a brother. Then one day her mom came home one day and
told her no more baby. WHAT?!? You get her all excited then NO? But Nicole got
past it and for the next few years she was fine. Then her mother got pregant
again, this time Nicole wasn’t gonna let her new brother or sister leave. But she
changed her mind, she wanted a little sister. She even got to pick her name.
February 24, 1992, a thrusday, mid-morning her little sister, Samantha Michelle
Churchill, was born 8lbs. 7ozs. Nicole was happy, she got to help out with the
baby. She wasn’t jealious like most kids would be she was glad. BIG mistake
she should have been angry she’ll learn in a few years why… A few months after
her sister was born they had to move. WHAT?!? Why must she leave her home,
her room? Her family got kicked out by the land lord they had to find a new
house in 2 weeks. They couldn’t so they were welcomed in a “good” friends
houseto live until they found a place. Nicole was a little excited, because she got
to live with her “best friend” and her other friends lived next door and down the
block. But then she saw their room. It was so small and 4 people were to live in
it? She had to go from a nice house where she had her own room to a room
smaller than her own. Not only that but she had to sleep on the floor, near her
sister’s crib and almost everynight her hair got caught up in the bottom of the
crib. For almost a year she had to live like that in that little room. She THOUGHT
that she would become better friends with Jenny since they go to live in the
same house. She was wrong. Yea she had fun with he, but what about all the
times Jenny bossed her around? Which happend alot, but she never stuck up
for herself she let Jenny yell at her and tell her what to do. Yea they got in
physcial fights and yea Nicole won sometimes, but she always let Jenny push
her around. While her friend Shannon NEVER let Jenny push her around. She
admired Shannon. She liked it when her, Shannon, and Jenny all played
together, cause Shannon stuck up for her. And Jenny’s brother’s well she had
three, Nicole had her own thoughts for all of them. Neil was the oldest she
thought he was cool, for awhile anyway… Tommy the second oldest she thought
he was cool except for his temper, well her toughts changed abouit him too one
day. Nicky he was older than Jennt, but was dorky and weak. When Nicole got
older Neil did to, and he also got stringer and wanted different things…. Neil
would touch Nicole and told her not to tell people or he woul hurt her. and she
didn’t for awhile…But as she got older Neil wanted it more and Nicole started to
realize that what he did was wrong. She told her mother,and she THOUGHT her
mother belived her. But when her mother talked to her father, her father yelled
at Nicole and told her never to say loes like that again so she never did…it went
on for about 4 to 5 years before she finally told Neil NO! Now her thoughts on
Tommy, the night before she moved out and across the street, Tommy told her
to leave her stuffed dog named Puppy on his floor and he would take care of
him. But the next morningshe woke up and Puppy was in a trash pile. She went
to get him out, but their mother slapped her and told her to leave it alone! And
Terry,their mother, made sure it got taken by the trash men too. Nicole ran to
grab Puppy once more, but she was too late by the time she got outside all she
could see was Puppy being crushed by the trash collector. She was sad for days.
Her dad gave her a kiss goodnight one night and told her it would be ok, but
when he kissed her he put his tounge in her mouth. WHAT THE HELL?!?! She
couldn’t understand why he did that?But she knew from then on she would only
kiss him on the cheek. A while later in Nicole’s life she made some older friends.
Paula and Amanda, two sister’s who introduced her to new thing. Around Amanda
and Paula, Nicole would let lose, smoke, drink, just have fun. Amanda and Paula
became her new best friends. They wouldn’t put up with Jenny’s shit either. While
Nicole would go to church with Jenny because she made her, but she never
understood what Jenny got out of church and why she went? Nicole went on doing
whatever behind her mom’s back. They moved again, but this time Nicole was
more excited, because she go ther own room. She didn’t move far just a couple
blocks. Now that she had her own room she got away with more smoking and
drinking and other stuff… Although she was happy she still didn’t like her father.
Whenever she stole something and got caught he wuld beat her and blame it
all on her. She loved her mother but her mother never stuck up for her. why she
didn’t know? Well Samantha wasn’t that old and everyone loved and messed with
her, Nicole wasn’t jealous she just wanted to play with her too.Well one day Nikko
nicole’s dog, attacked Samantha. She didn’t think much of it, when she got the
call, because Nicole too was once attacked by Nikko a few years ago. They
brought Sammy over to Jenny’s house before the hospital and everyone saw the
hole through her cheek. No one in their house liked Nikko, so they all wanted to
go over there and kill Nikko that night. Nicole couldn’t stand it she went upstairs
and locked herself in a bathroom and cried. The next two days Nicole stayed at
Jenny’s house. When she returned home Nikko was gone….her father had her
put to sleep. From that point on Nicole didn’t care about all the other things
her father had done to her, all the unkept promises, the yelling, the beating,
the lieing, all the name calling, even the time he tried ti kill her, this was the
worse he killede the dog she loved more than anything. Now she will never
forgive him, but she had no idea what would come next…. Shortly after that
her father left her house. She didn’t know why her mom was sad, but she was
happy. Her father moved into his computer store with Terry. Later Jenny told
Nicole that her dad caught my dad and her mom in bed together. WHAT?!?! How
could that bastard hurt her mom like that? He then moved in with Terry in her
house. Nicole was forced to go over there 2 days a week to visit “him” but she
visited Jenny not him. One day when Nicole had to go over for easter, she ran
away from his house. She was only gone for an hour then Jenny found her and
made her go back. She hated going over there sje was forced to do their house
work and forced to eat what she didn’t want to. Then he married that ugly Bitch,
and Nicole was forced to go to the “wedding” in a dress! It wasn’t even a wedding
at all it was in a small stuff room in the police station. But the good and bad
news was yet to come. One day Nicole was told that he father was going to move
to Oklahoma. YES!!! Nicole was so happy but then she found out that Jenny would
move too. NO!! Now Nicole shouldn’t have been so sad because of the way Jenny
treated her but she was. Nicole grew up with Jenny and told her just about
everything. Now she was gonna move and not come back? Well Jenny left and
Nicole was sad. And Paula and Amanda didn’t come around anymore cause
Amanda got married and pregant at 15! And Paula moved. Nicole had friends but
the ones she loved the most all left her. Nicole went for a little over a two years
making different friends, but none like Jenny, Amanda, and Paula. And Shannon
had moved Shortly after Jenny.Then one summer Jenny came down to visit. Nicole
counted the days till Jenny came back, but when she did she had changed. She
was different, she wasn’t the same…..She was more into church tii which Nicole
still didn’t get why she would want ti live with all those “godly” rules. She left and
still they never talked like they use to, which tore Nicole up inside cause she
needed to tell someone what had been happening to her. She met a guy named
Frank he acted like he cared but all he wanted was sex. And he got it too. Because
it seemed like he had some sort of power over Nicole that she couldn’t help.
Maybe it was she was scared of him, of what he would do if she said no. She met
a good friend Lizzy, but couldn’t ever come to tell her about Frank. Through
Lizzy she met Michael. Michael was a big, and strong guy, Nicole didn’t think
much of him liking her. BIG mistake. She was left alone one day in his house,
in his room with him. They started to takl about sex and for some reason Nicole
told him about Frank, but now he knew her weakness, her fear. He pushed her
down on the bed and forced himself on her. Nicole wanted to tell her mom, so
she would never have to go to his house again, but didn’t.. And everytime she
saw him he would tousch her and when she told him to stop. He said no that
he could touch her anytime any place and there was nothing anyone could do
about it.He stopped when Nicole started to fight back. And it eventually stopped
with Frank too cause he moved. One night Nicole’s mom got a call from her dad,
and he said that he was very sick and he wanted Nicole and Sammy to go visit
him fo rthe summer. Sammy was all for going but Nicole refused to go. Jenny
talked to Nicole and told her at least go do she could see her. So Nicole went
although she really didn’t want to. For 7 weeks she dreamt of home. All her
father did was yell, hit, and lie to her the whole 7 weeks. And her and Jenny
got into fights too. The only thing she liked about tha e whole thing was Derk.
Derk understood her and he was there for her not in a sexually way either.
But she had to leave him so it hurt more. When she got back home there
was only a week till School. But this school year was different she met a
girl named Gwen. Gwen was a good friend they shared serects and became
good friends. Then Nicole introduced Gwen to Chris. Nicole loved Chris she had
for over two years, but after Chris met Gwen he stopped flirting with Nicole.
And Nicole’s heart was hurting again, but was still happy for the memories
of the good times her and Chris had. After 8th grade towards the end of
the summer Nicole found out that Jenny tried to kill herself. She was hurt she
wanted to hold Jenny in her arms and never let go. She didn’t care about
anything Jenny had done to her in the past she just wanted to be there for her,
but she couldn’t. Then Jenny called her and told her she was moving back to
Virgina to live with her dad. Nicole thought now her and Jenny would get a chance
to catch up for the past 4 years away from each other. But she was wrong. Nicole
knows there is probelms that her and Jenny need to work out, but Jenny doesn’t
see them or doesn’t want to see them… And it hurts Nicole a lot but she tries,
Jenny just doesn’t try back….. Nicole is in 9th grade now and lives a shitty life.
Her mother and Sammy yell at her just about everyday, blaims their every little
problem on her and does a whole bunch of other shit to her. Nicole has thought
about sucide many times this year, but never does it cause she has friends who
she loves too much to leave………
Diana, Gwen, Megs, Shannon, Shea, and Mike. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!