why be skittish?
is this all a delusion?
this world is my inferno…
why be skittish?
is this all a delusion?
this world is my inferno…
shallow troubles create an abyss,
the reign of terror i put on myself
is superficial flaws being terminated.
emptiness and self-denial shatter my clear perseption.
insanity will not make trust…
a scarce evil inside me that everyone blows up
is cast to the side.
i ravish risk and corruption.
an airy haunted weightlessness about me sets in…
contraversy feeds war!
chaste becomes fiery!
quint and calm become hellish and wild!
tyranny warps my shapeless body…
stiff stern and rigid become my daily wounds.
i fling a galaxy of hollow wishes,
and a minority of abandonment,
out the window.
this curse has ruined my life, my hallucination…
my wants and needs were in error,
cruel cravings were all in coldness.
a bottomless pit of fault and failure
taints a chance of escape…
a shaft of entrancement makes a disaster
of dirty filthy lies and hazards…
retreat is out of reach!
decay blocks recoil!
i slay the floating feeling inside me,
beat it to the ground,
kill it…
cold severe taunts drive me raving madd.
deception and scandal stain my soul.
makes me realize how imperfect and homely i really am…
it tarnishes my vile exsistance.
i try to alter my views but theyre no where to be found…
my life, my hell, its molded me,
an introvert locked up in my room,
never to come out,
all alone,
quiet and sad,
no where to turn…