Not now… Not yet.. Not ever

Not now… Not yet… Not ever…

Thoughts runs through my mind like the adrenaline flows through my veins…

I feel my hate…

My mind…

My fears…

They all rise within…

But they never get to the surface… never touches my shell…

Not now… not yet… not ever…

My core is torned but my shell still stands…

Emotionless the reflections…

With hollow smiles…

But hate filled thoughts…

The thoughts of revenge…

Not now… not yet… not ever…

My hate just keeps building and I have no place to release it…

So instead I pour my hate into my words…

Just builds another happy ending in my fantasy world…

In the world where I am untouchable…

But still I long for the real world… to feel… the real pain… the much too real hate…

With hateful words I do revenge…

But who will know… who will see… these words, my hate…

No one…

Not now… not yet… not ever…

By Dark Tranquillity

All that is but never was...