Nothing But Fake — Dedicated to Sarah Mae Boenisch — Written to Sarah Mae Boenisch

< <<*_*-Nothing But Fake-*_*>>>

Sarah 2 AtReD

I can’t handle it
It’s all your fault
I don’t want it
Lying and deceiving from the start

I don’t know who i am
I don’t know why it ends
I don’t know what i am
Crying was deceiving from the start

I don’t know why i like it
This pain that i feel
Take it out on other’s souls
Dying is relieving in the end

AtReD 2 Sarah

I neglect my thoughts
It is my fault
I continued for it
Your lying was prying from the start

I know who you are
I know who i am
But still i don’t know why it ends
I know what you are
I know what i am
Your crying was diseasing from that start

I know why you like it
All this pain that you feel
Satisfies your craving to take it out on others
Dying is relieving in the end

You are fake! Nothing but fake!
Your love
You care
Nothing but fake
Your hate
Your fate
Nothing but fake
Your word and you life
Is nothing but fake
Fuck you
You are just a cartoonish creature
And you reak of whore
You’re Nothing But Fake!

Robert Kenneth Gaustad Junior

< -*_*-!-AtReD-!-*_*->

By Atred

When we first meet, i can either be the nicest person that you have ever met, or if you fuck me over i WILL be the one person in this whole (infinite) universe that you wish you have never met!!! Other than that, i am a musician (hardcore metal/Gothic Industrial) i also write poems, hate mail, threatening letters to the world, and lyrics. i design text and some other shit, not much, but i like time consuming projects. the only parts of my body that has seen the sun in the past 9 years is my hands and face. i hate the sun!!!!!