this is actually linked to the original topic called, Our government sucks, but because my comment contained to many characters i had to make a new topic, but this is only a “link” to the original topic.

WELL, i know i might seem a bit “spiritual fanatic, but i have had a dream, where world war 3 breaks out, i have had that dream 3 times, i know what you mean, everything is going like shit, if you know Nostradamus, you would know that he has predicted the apocalypse, in the year 2000, and if you lokk 2½ years back, you will see that everything is really going shit since that year, i know wars usually come and go through the years, but this time it is almost everywhere there i problems, U.S.A government, is starting a war, with no reason, Irak’s dictator Saddam, is a psycho i know that, i know that they fear that Saddam one day will attack U.S.A with bio weapons or shit, but Doesn’t the U.S.A also have Nuclear Weapons, These people who rules these countries are sick, truly sick in the head. If it were up to me, i would settle these fight between, the ones who wishes war, i would throw them into a little hole, and let them fight by themselves in there. I also mean that, nationalism is a bad thing, it always ends up with war, like the USA, some of the citizens say, we love america..blah blah balh, and in europe they say, we love england…blah blah blah, and in the middleeast they say we love saddam, but if you look behind all that pride,m what do you have?if you remove their pride, they are nothing, they would leave in peace with other humans, of course there would be crime, crime will always be there, but the international problems are solved.
The tragic day, 9/11, many people died,
but think about how many people died in afghanistan, when america bombed their cities, and you know, about the little incident where bush actually bombed the wrong city…………..YOU FUCKING CANT BOMB A WRONG CITY AND THEN SAY SORRY,IT WAS A MISTAKE WE ARE TRULY SORRY, PEOPLE DIE, PEOPLE DON’T RESURRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when russia was in afghanistan, USAhelped osama bin laden, they gave him the weapons he needed to get russia out of the country, now osama uses them against USA, why did america want russia out of the country? USA didn’t have anything to do in there, and the same thing at the golf war, why did USA hel irak fight IRAN, i myself am form iran, but don’t think i love my country, i am neutral i listen to myself, i “love” myself, but when they fought, it was because IRAN wanted to be independent, but USA didn’t allow it, because IRAN is one of the countries that deliver oil to USA, i don’t know why irak agreed to attack Iran, but USA and Europe, (NATO) helped IRAK, now IRAK has turend against USA, and the vietnam, war, how many soldiers died in that war? how many soldier became cripples that war? how many soldiers became sick in the head in that war?. TOO MANY, No one should ever have been in that country fighting, it was in the other end of the world dammit, it was only because the country was facing a revolution.

I now i might seem a little like a USA hater, but don’t get me wrong, i hate all governments, i know that all governments think of only one thing…POWER,
i don’t hate the citizens, i only hate the governments, i know that there are citizens that sympathises the governement, but they donøt have so much of an influence after all.

By Putredinis

???? I'm Me.


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