
I have just discovered something to which many people may never figure out.There are basically two kinds of people in this world.There are the ordinary people and the unordinary people.You are not placed in a catagory by how much money u have or the way u dress….It soley depends on what you feel….

The ordinary people cannot feel deeply….They accept the blindness of aouthority and never crave freedom.Passion to them does not hold full meaning.They ask questions to which they know there is an answer.Theya re the lucky ones.But life slices throught the unordinary people like a knife. They cannot accept the way things are….they acnnot even accept themselves.Tears are too salty and blood to red….They live life in paina nd question “why” everyday of their lives….Nothing is ever safe….ever….As far as I know these people can suffer three diffrent fates….

The first fate….Feeling so deeply that your mind is screaming out in agony….you rebel against urself.Perhaps angry and ashamed of your ability to feel so much….Afetr awhile you acnnot accept pain anymore so u turn love into hate amd knowledge to blindness…..You build a wall around your heart so that no one can ever enter again,,,,And than u pretend its no there….You hate ebacsue youre too afraid to love….u turn away from people because ur too afraid to trust….yor too afarid to be let down again….to be caused more pain…..

The second fate….There are people who no longerhide themselves away….They take comfort in what and who they are….and live according to their own truths…They know that when you look for something you will never truley find it unless you wait and let it come to you….They are martyrs..people who will give nething…sacrfice save another from pain….

The third fate….Than there are those who just can’t acept things….Those who cant turn love to hate….These people turn passion into words….And sometime they realize that isn’t enough….You can be all three fates combined….

The world is often tough and cruel.But beneath the rock hard and granite expectations….benath the bond and chains society has enforced upon us….there is a fire waiting to be fed….All human beings have the ability to feel….but it is the unordinaypeople who defy the laws of men….true emotions…true passions..are eternal….Sometimes you love so much that you hate because you dont want to suffer….

And the ordinary people go on their way geniune smiles….seeing the pain..but pushing it away…pretending its no there….While the Unordianary peopel go on THEIR way fake smiles….All feelings and poetry and love inside….ANd on the outside? icy toughness….Pretending they don’t need anyone when they know deep down inside they do….they know they cant surrvive alone….They want tohelp others when they cant seem to help themselves…..

I am an unordinary person…which are you?

~*ok there can be some tings added to this..but I got sick of typing so here ya go~*~


  1. im “unordinary” as u call it.
    but the unordinary people are the ones who really see the truth. the ordinary seem to be so self-absorbed and fake to experience anything real. we see the shit, and experience it; and arent afraid to recognize it. i like what you wrote. it expresses a feeling of truth. and only the “unordinary” seem to really get the big picture.

  2. then again… its just another way to segregate people… another label… another stereotype… im unordinary… but im ME…

    ^shouldve added that to my last comment…


  3. I agree that that is just another label….but what I was trying to get at is that there are those who are so blind to pain….The are oblivious to the hurt around them……you try to show them the truth and they turn away…perhaps scared of reality? I dunno……But I DO KNOW people need to see the truth….

  4. I am just myself and can be nothing else. Of my nature it could be called unordinary, as I have never fitted in anywhere and not for want of trying either. It’s been the hard road this one and a lonely one. There are few and far between good friends who really understand the workings of the inner self, the truth required, and the depth of feeling within.

    At least now I know one who is much like myself, thank the gods and destiny for this.

  5. I toatly agree with all of your satement….and not many can see this pain taht is felt…no one seems to see I paint the sky….I can run but not far enough….I can hide but not for long…..And though it seems there is only one person I know whi has somewhta similar htoughts and feelings…its good to know that people on this site can identify with mine also…….tahnk you for your comment……

  6. i am beyond all of your petty titles. you have no words expressible enough to chain me in. how dare you fathom that you can judge the world on your little narrow-minded plane of thought? are you that talented? you are not special, you are not different. “you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” NOTHING IS STATIC. EVERYTHING IS EVOLVING. EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART.

  7. mors is right… u arent the only one to realize this… and its not as if u were really talented as u make urself out to be… like ur patting urself on the back for discovering something most have known for quite sometime. and the “titles” are stupid. but hey… perhaps the decaying organic matter that we all are can be separated by how it feels sometimes. whether or not those feelings are real. we live, we die, and thats all there is to it. no one is particularly special, but ill assume that u meant ur post PAIN… in the best sense. i agreed with most of it, like i said in my previous comments.

  8. i like what they said, i don*t aree with everything but most of it.

  9. FUCK YOU!!!! to all those people with negitive comments…Im not trying put a mother fuckinlabel on neone…im just trying to explain what i feel…and I know there is no words in the english language to describe nehtign im feeling or neone else is…im just trying to make sense of this fucked up wrld and people like you should listen to your own advice….im not trying tilte” neone…but as humans we hae a tendacy to do just that…..and to Mors…i know i am not special…read some more posts of mine and ull just trying to say that it seems all these people around in good ‘ole hicksville usa do not see this pain…so for ur lack of better judgment you are messing with the wrong person..get a fuckin life….

  10. man… this is so full of criticism and hate. Why can’t we stop hating. Hating leads to more hate. end the hate. sure, many other people dont do it and love the hate, but if u start, other people may follow.

    we all say that we are full of pain. yes, the “ordinary” people dont show that they have pain. But who are you to judge that they dont have any pain and dont feel it? They probably all do, but would rather that they at least have some happiness in their life, or at least bring some happ9ness into other people’s lives. They may not do that, but some do… think about it next time you go “ordinary”-bashing

  11. well amybe if you read a little closer you would see that I never said they didn’t feel pain..I said it “SEEMS” that way…..And Iknow their are a lot of people who pish it away..they are so damn lucky….I know people who push it away…they call me pathetic because I can’t… before ANY of you try to crtisize my feelings or thoughts….re-read and think a little harder……

  12. Why can’t y’all stop being angry at each other? jesus, it’s SO not worth getting stressed over.
    You can flame me all you like, but personally I totally disagree with what you wrote. I don’t feel you can segregate people this way because in the end the categories tend to blend together on closer inspection. We’re all separate but at the same time all part of the one whole.
    There will always be times when we break your little stereotypes, and I think you’re wrong to underestimate the depth of people’s feeling the way you do.
    However, I’m just another opinion in an endless sea of opinions.
    I figure if you’re you, why do you constantly need to define yourself and others? In the time you spent trying, you could have taken an anger management class to help you deal with criticism.

    Oh yeah, and I think Mors isn’t messing with the wrong person. I think they picked the perfect person to mess with, because how can we hold a satisfactory argument with someone who agrees with us?

    Anyways, see ya, Dam.

  13. blacklight,
    you are always so uplifting! kudos to ya! seriously. i am jack’s complete lack of sarcasm.

    darkened shoe sole,
    where ya from, there, chief? i assure you, unless you came form my town, wiggins, MS, it’s probably little hickier than mine. the point is it does not matter. adn threats online to a person you don’t know? if you don’t want the criticism, buck, don’tpost your fucking opinions.
    now, onto lighter topics. darkened, you should really get into sdome anger management classes, talk it out, go to a gym, go play in the sun or something. see, to get over pain ytou must first want to be happy and then get to where you can be happy, go for a walk in te park or wherever and get some sun. pick up an instrument, do soemting besides mope all damn day.

    and lastly, don’t assume you know shit about the person you right to. i may live next door, and i may know you. so keep it easy and don’t take everything so damn personal.

  14. Getting back to ‘pain’ and not the arguement for a moment. . .
    Not everyone feels it the same by a long stretch of the imagination. Everyone is different and feels it in different degrees in different parts of their lives. Some are hardly touched by pain at all in their lives, some have to live with it every single day.

    No, you can’t judge, much less know, it’s true. How can one describe the color of an orange to a totally bind man? Much the same with pain. All there is that most will experience it in one form or another. It’s just nice when we find someone who can mutually feel the same and talk about it on equal footing, which is sometimes rare for some of us, and it does most times feel lonely (at least to my experience in the past).

    I know which “ordinary people” you’re trying to describe DarkenedSoul . . . I’ve met them too. They can’t/don’t have pain as intense as myself, they are not me and I’m not them . . . and have to respect that difference, nothing I can do about it and no way I can make them understand, well meaning as they might be sometimes.

    Just have to live through this.

  15. i cant help but laugh
    Blue Ball go down da hole!

  16. you said *no less?*, so I said, *want more?* Along with a bodily gesture called a burp

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