Pills,points or poison?

I cant say i cared, they abused me now they’re dead why should i care? The people who used me, the people who tryed to convince me what they did to me was right but is what im doing to myself right?im torturing myself because they succeeded and i stood by watching as they did.

There are answers, though not every answer is the right one, and not every answer is for the question asked. What is the question?(a question itself). I feel like shit, im worthless because im a fucking parasite and i cant rely on myself. Nothing scares me more than me, what i might do if pushed to far, what might happen in the spur of a difficult situation. But no-one can answer these questions but myself, But if im scared of myself then i cant find the answers on my own. Over the past couple of weeks thoughts of seperation, detachment and being unable to escape have brought around serious thoughts of suicide. no one can help me now im too far driven to consider anyone else. there isnt anything i can do so dont bother telling me their is. I’ll find a way through either pills,points or poison…

By downwardspiral

Birth,life....awaiting death