My thoughts are going ninety miles per hour
I wish for once they would just go sixty
There is nothing in this life that is ever going to fix me
I can’t stop this anxiety
I can’t stop this worrying
Thoughts are going way too fast
I just wish they would slow down
So much negativity
Resides, hidden, inside of me
So much negativity
Resides, hidden, inside of me
My mind works overtime all the time
My mind works overtime all the time
I keep hoping life will kill me before I kill myself
There is nothing for me that will truly help
I think too much, I know I do
I think too much, so I hide away from all of you
I want to go into my room
I want to close the door behind me
I never want to be seen again
I don’t want the sunlight to find me
I feel so alone, yet I stay to myself
I hate this cycle
It never stops, it never will
Sometimes I reach out
Mistrust fills my mind with doubt
So I pull away
I will always feel this way
My mind works overtime all the time
My mind works overtime all the time
Nothing is ever enough
Nothing is ever going to be enough
Nothing ever will be enough
I stay alive for the sake of others, not for the sake of myself
And there’s something wrong in that, there’s something so wrong in that
When will this nightmare end?
When will this nightmare end?
When will this nightmare end?, nothing feels real
When will this nightmare end?, nothing feels real
When will this nightmare end?, only one thing will end it
When will this nightmare end?, only when I can no longer think
When will this nightmare end?, only in death
When will this nightmare end?, it only ends when I die
I must hide my depression until I get to my room
I go inside and I close the door
My face hits the pillow and I let the misery come out
No one and nothing matters anymore
I lay there and let the misery come from behind the curtain where it hides
I let it come from the hidden place within me where it resides
I just lay there and try to cry
No tears appear, and so the pillow stays dry
So I just keep my face on the pillow
I lay there and feel a horrible numbness take over me
This is where I am real, where I can be the real me
Numbness, depression, nothing feels real
Adam Keith