Somehow beneath the broken shards of glass
I lifted myself up with blood stained hands
I threw myself at him again
Only this time making sure to render him unconscious
I hated him…
I wanted nothing more than to break his pride with my fists
So I hit him again and again…
My fists seeming to leave scars across his face
The glass tore at him as it had done me
And now the tables had been overturned
I was now his oppressor.
Did he think he could just steal my pride and wound my dignity without a fight?
Now he lies there with one eye sunken deep into his head,
One ear bleeding from the inside in pools of crimson,
Deep gashes across his face,
And I lean down to whisper….”Goodbye my love”.
With that I plunge a knife deep as I can into his heart.
Now he’s gonna bleed. He won’t have to suffer anymore from loving me so much, loving me so much he just had to hit me over and over again. I don’t feel sorry for him now, nor will I be sorry for what I’ve done when I’m sitting in prison. I killed him in cold malice because he deserved it. Now I just don’t care anymore….