PUPPETMASTER: The Puppets Need Your Help!

Just last week I, your intrepid chronicler of all things horrific, revealed to you, my loyal readership, the first image from the upcoming Charles Band/Full Moon feature PUPPETMASTER: AXIS TERMINATION (which I am graciously sharing again, for those who might have missed it) and apprised you of the fact that Band and company would be launching a crowdsourcing site to fund this latest sequel. Now I’m happy to report the project is up and running, with a link to the indigogo campaign provided below. Drop on by and donate a buck or two, why don’tcha? As an incentive, Full Moon is offering some really cool perks, like toys, T-shirts, DVDs, and even the chance to get murdered by one of the puppets in the new film!

The change in the way we get our videos these days has made it harder for independent studios like Full Moon. Used to be, the sales and rentals from one flick paid for the making of the next one. Today, however, it’s all livestreaming and direct access and junk. The folks at Full Moon know their movie is going to make back its investment, but they have to raise the cash upfront to pay for it. That’s where we, the Horror faithful, come in. If every PUPPERMASTER fan donated just one measly dollar, they’d be able to make the grandest PUPPETMASTER flick of them all.

Have YOU clicked on that link yet?

source: www.indiegogo.com

By TheCheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of Evil Cheez Productions (www.evilcheezproductions.com - www.evilcheezproductions.blogspot.com - www.facebook.com/evilcheezproductions) specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. And he really likes vampires and werewolves. Like, a LOT.

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