Quote That May Make People Understand..Yeah Ryte OnlY a Dream..

” sometimes i just want to pull out every single strand in my hair. i want to bleed n feel pain. i want to take my fist n punch it through a window just so i can hear glass breaking into tiny pieces n feeling happy that i can make the colour red with my very own fingers. i hate feeling like i dont matter. i hate feeling insignificant… but i guess the shoe fits on nights like these. i can just taste death, n it keeps on teasing me. i just want to go away. just to be flung out of this world… and no one would even notice i was gone. maybe a week or two or more someone, just one person will be like, ‘that gurl…where did she go?’ but then something will break off their attention to that one thought n life will go on again like nothing is really missing. “

but i guess the shoe fits on nights like these. i can just taste death, n it keeps on teasing me. i just want to go away. just to be flung out of this world… and no one would even notice i was gone. maybe a week or two or more someone, just one person will be like, ‘that gurl…where did she go?’ but then something will break off their attention to that one thought n life will go on again like nothing is really missing. “

By *ƒorgotten jessie*

i'm jessie, ur not, so dont attempt to be or act lyke me. thank u. i hate: people who think they kno me, and attempt to understand the workings of my twisted mynd -nD- confouzing quotes and theorys of myne.