What are human beings to do when hey feall alone? used to have the solution of having th freedomn o self-inflicted pain, but I lost that privilige a long time ago when i was found out. I stil wish that i could go back in time and knowno to tell anyone because someone had to have old and to this day i still don’t know who did it.
I wonder how my life would have been I had nevr done it. This is all killing me. I really niss the senstional feelng that i gt when I saw my blood flowing out of my pale wrist and how great it felt to have the demons and all of thehate to just flood out of me. I don’t know if anyone will understand what I am to them. I wish somone would understand it all because sometimes i don’t understand it all myself. I don’t knkow how i can hate people so much ad still love them and watn them to love me so much. It’s so odd to me. These are pople that I hate with such a passion yet I still only desierve them to like me. I don’t understand why they don’tlike me at all. What’res wrong with me? I wish hey wuld accept me for who I a because that is the only person that i know how to be.
“I wish they would only take me as I am”
-Vincent van Gough