Crying is overrated it doesnt lead to anything but darkness…
Crying never helped me get over anything….
Crying didnt stop the blood….
Crying is overrated it doesnt lead to anything but darkness…
Crying never helped me get over anything….
Crying didnt stop the blood….
I cried my fucking eyes away when you left…
I colored my world red with the blood from my wounds…
I cried red tears for you….. did you cry for me?
9 months is a long time to cry,to miss, to long, to crave…to bleed…
9 months I spent missing you, did you miss me?
If you could take it all back would you? or would you do the same again.. leave me bleeding from my eyes crying after your hands in mine…
Anyway thanks for showing me what crying is all about, endless and fucking lonely sorrow….
Anyway I still cry and hate myself for it…..
I still bleed……I still bleed…….I still bleed for your touch….